Chapter 14: Burning Desire

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Bathed in the crimson glow of the red moon, Bang Chan stares me down. "What did you just say?" , "You heard me, (Y/N)." Something is drawing me closer to him. Something primal. "When a red moon rises, the desire, the need to mate is stronger than ever." He moves closer, his body sweat slick and virile against the red moon's light. "Do you feel it? Because I do. I want you, (Y/N)." His confession rings in my ears. "I want you, too, Bang Chan." , "You do?" Bang Chan moves toward me, each step deliberate and slow. Like a wolf stalking his prey. "I never thought I'd hear you say that." He prowls toward me, backing me up against a tree, holding me in place. When he is just inches away, his eyes blaze with a heat that I've come to crave. "Your move, my mate." God, I want him. I reach out and brush my fingers over Bang Chan's sloping abs, drawing my hand higher and higher... "(Y/N)--" My name is hot on his lips. He braces himself against the tree, ripping into its trunk without thinking. "I can't hold back. And I don't think it's entirely because of the red moon." Bang Chan kisses me then. Blistering passion ignites within me as he claims me with his lips, his tongue...he rakes hands through my hair, searching my eyes with a ravenous hunger. "What am I going to do with you?" he smirks. "You could take my clothes off." , "Now, that's an idea." Bang Chan smiles and leans in slowly. He kisses me, his tongue reaching deep, exploring me until I soften beneath him. I feel him gather up the fabric near my stomach and skate it over my breasts. I raise my arms and he guides it off my body. "Wow." I stand perfectly as Bang Chan studies my bare chest in the red moonlight. His arresting eyes rove over my skin, taking in every inch of me as my heart pounds. He strips off his own leather facets, until he stands shirtless before me. "(Y/N)'re fucking beautiful." The sincerity in his voice catches me off guard. "You're like no one I've ever met before." I say. "Is that a good thing?" he asks. "Yeah. I think it is." Wrapping his hands around the small of my waist, Bang Chan pulls me close. Our bond ignites as his chest rubs against my tender nipples. I moan softly into his mouth as he kisses me. Searing desire courses through my veins. I rock against Bang Chan, feeling the steal of his erection. "Bang Chan--" , "Shh." Bang Chan slides down my neck, my collarbone, kissing me just above the swell of my breasts. His wolfish tongue dances across my skin, leaving that mind numbing trail of pleasure in its wake. "Fuck. You taste so good." His hands slide up my bare torso, over my ribs, inching ever closer to my exposed chest. "I need more."

Bang Chan bends, his spellbinding tongue flicking out, just a breath away from my aching nipples. "I need you, (Y/N). Right now." , "Do it. Please." On my word, Bang Chan kisses me again, and I lose myself in him. His fingers skim up my stomach, over my ribs, and he cups my breasts. A small sound escapes me. "You like that?" He asks in a low tone. "Mmm...yes." I moan. "Thought so." Smiling, he pushes his hands further up, his fingers barely brushing against my taut nipples. I gasp. Then, he brings his mouth down hard over my breast. I arch my back as Bang Chan's tongue swirls around my nipples, sending explosions of pleasure through my supple body. "Yes. God, yes." The contact is like nothing I've ever dreamed of. Swirling currents of pleasure washing over and under my flesh. With a ravenous growl, Bang Chan travels to my other breast, dragging his tongue hard over me before sucking down with force. I dig my hands in his hair, throwing my head back in ecstasy. A low rumble sounds in his throat, and I feel his teeth gaze my flesh. "(Y/N), let me mark you here." His eyes glint gold, his voice one octave away from an Alpha command. He runs his teeth gently over my breasts, straining for control. "Let me make you mine." he whispers. "Bang Chan...mark me. Make me yours." I beg in a moan. "Yeah?" , "Yes. Don't stop." Bang Chan reaches up, tugging my hair, arching my back to perk my breasts for him. His teeth find purchase there, strong yet gentle, scraping along my most sensitive parts. "Bang Chan..." He sucks hard then, sending a wave of pleasure through me as he pulls me in with lips and teeth. "Fuck." He moves across my chest, leaving desperate marks of ownership all over my flesh with bruising passion. My vision blurs with the pleasure of him, as he treads the line between discomfort and bliss. "Yes. Mine." And that's all I want to be is his. All his. Bang Chan breaks away then, admiring the splashes of color all over my flesh.

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