Chapter 3: All or Nothing

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"This truid is still happening, (Y/N). But you won't be fighting my guard." Bang Chan states as he moves in front of the pack facing off against me. "You'll fight me instead.". I stiffen at Bang Chan's challenge, feeling the packs countless eyes on me. "Fine...let's really test your metal against mine." accepting his challenge. "It'll be far from a fair match, Omega." I narrow my eyes at Bang Chan. "(Omega. A wolf without powers. He says it like an insult.) Speaking of powers, let's make this interesting.", "How so?" he asks. "By making it fair. Me against you. No supernatural wolfie tricks, Alpha." I say slyly. A slow, delicious grin appears on Bang Chan's face. "A clean fight. That's fine by me.". The sun rises over the trees as I and the rest of the pack follow Bang Chan out to an elaborate training ring. "(Wow. This reminds me of the dojo.)". With a pang, I remember my old life. My countless hours of martial arts training, my friend Olivia... "Ladies first." Bang Chan gestures for me to enter the ring. I do, shifting my feet in the dirt to get used to it. "What do I get if I win?" I ask as Felix laughs as if I said something funny. "If you win, you're forgiven for the offense you made against me.", "What about me? I was attacked by Seungmin! He practically killed me back at the dojo." I exclaim. "And Seungmin answered for that, believe me. Now, you answer for yourself and--" all of a sudden, Bang Chan is cut off by a small voice. "You said she was going to be part of our pack, Alpha Bang Chan!" little I.N suddenly squeezes out of the crowd and runs toward the ring. "She isn't pack yet." Bang Chan says softly. "But she'll never be if we don't treat her like she could be." I.N says sweetly. "I.N, stop this" Lee Know takes I.N's hand and tries to pull him back, but I.N shrugs him off. "No, Dad! I met (Y/N) and she is good. She's my friend." My heart swells when I.N marches right up to Bang Chan, as though he is as tall. "Tell him, (Y/N). Tell him you're my friend and you're pack." I.N turns to me, his childlike eyes filled with as much intensity as he can muster. I feel Bang Chan's eyes, too. And the packs. "I.N, we're friends. And I would be honored to call you pack." I tell I.N as he lights up like fireworks at my words, jumping up and down in front of Bang Chan. "See? See? I told you!" he cheers. Over the bouncing boy, I catch Bang Chan's eyes. His look is softer than I've ever seen it. "(What's that expression on his face? It almost looks like he...respects me.)

The members of the pack murmur around me, a few relaxing and looking at me with curiosity rather than hatred. "Now, you don't have to fight!" I.N cheers with excitement. "Not so fast there, bud. You know the rules. Once a truid is declared, it can't be canceled." I.N stops bouncing at Bang Chan's words. "Oh, yeah.", "If (Y/N) wants to be part of this pack like she says, she'll prove it and respect our customs." Bang Chan raises an eyebrow at me. "Still up for a good clean fight?" he turns to me questioning. "Sure. As long as I win something other than "forgiveness".". I.N snickers and, to my surprise, a few pack members do, too. Bang Chan pushes his hair back and sighs. "Fine. What are you fighting for, (Y/N)? What do you want if you win? And don't say your freedom. That's clearly not on the table." he asks me rolling his eyes. "Alright. I'm fighting for my dignity. I won't be caged like an animal.", "I like your resolve. It's a deal." Bang Chan moves into the ring opposite of me, pulling off his shirt to reveal slopes of tones sinew. "Too bad you won't win." Bang Chan laughs evilly. Seungmin steps up between us two, lifting an arm and shooting a glare at me. "I'll be watching. No cheap shots or little tricks. The first one out of the ring, or the first to surrender loses." Seungmin explains the rules still glaring at you. "Don't count on me surrendering." I state strongly. "Likewise." replies Bang Chan as he bends his knees, a wolf ready to pounce. "(I'm a professional fighter. I know how I want to play this match and that is with strategy.)" Bang Chan launches at me, initiating the first attack. I stand still. "Giving up already? Where's the fun in that, (Y/N)?" I wait until the last possible second, duck, and grab his wrist. "What are you--" Bang Chan says shockingly. Without pausing, I twist his arm back and put my hands on two separate pressure points. The rest of the wolves' gasp as their leader drops to his knees. "Giving up already? Where's the fun in that, Bang Chan?" I say with a devilish smile. "N-no..." Bang Chan studders. With all his might, Bang Chan throws me over his shoulder and to the ground. "Not so fast--" He lunges, grappling me. I just manage to throw up my own arms to lock him in a fighters hold. "(Damn. We're so close to the edge of the ring.)" "Out of ideas, (Y/N)? Just submit and this will all be over." Bang Chan tries to psych me out. To my left, I hear a wolf snicker, "She'll probably try to cheat. I'd expect no less from Taecyeon's daughter.". "(No, I won't become what these wolves believe I am. I won't be like my father. I'm going to fight with honor.)" 

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