Chapter 19: A Red Wedding

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"Do it, (Y/N)." Bang Chan begs. "Yes, (Y/N). Do it." Your father's eyes glow red, threatening to force my hand as I press the poisoned blade to Bang Chan's throat. "I'm--I'm sorry--" With all my might, I relax my grip. The knife falls, clanging against the marble altar. "I can't do it. I won't." Hyunjin merely smirks. "You won't have a choice. I just married you, (Y/N). That means you're my mate now. I've got complete control over you." His eyes glow the same eerie red, threatening to command me in a way I've never been commanded before. I concentrate on Bang Chan, trying desperately to block out everything Hyunjin's saying. "It's okay, (Y/N). It's not your fault." I know deep down that the command will still hit, that there's nothing I can do. I look into Bang Chan's eyes one final time. "Now..." Hyunjin's voice reverberates with the newfound power of an Apha, spreading over me with terrifying resonance. "Pick that knife back up. Kill him. "I brace myself, closing my eyes as I ready myself for what's about to happen. But...nothing comes. I still feel in complete control over my body. Hyunjin growls once more, his eyes blazing crimson, as his voice comes out in a sharp command. "I said KILL HIM." Once more, I feel the command wash over me harmlessly. " that all you've got?" I smirk. "What? No!" Hyunjin turns sharply to Taecyeon. "What the hell is happening? Why isn't she doing as I command?" Taecyeon pushes forward, furious. "It shouldn't be possible. Unless..." Sudden shock washed over him, and in an instant he grabs me by the throat, lifting me high into the air. "Let me go!" I demanded. "(Y/N)!" Bang Chan cried. "You didn't bond with that bastard, did you?" He shakes me violently in the direction of Bang Chan, still bound to the altar. "You didn't fucking marry him, did you?" , "She didn't! Let her go!" But something clicks in my head. Bang Chan's chained body against mine in the moonlight. His lips on my hand. His words in the dark. He made a vow to me. And I made a vow to him. Taecyeon's grip tightens around my throat, even as I meet his eyes defiantly. "We did bond. Last night. Beneath the full moon. I swore my life to him, and he swore his life to me." Sudden realization flashes across Bang Chan's face even as I glare at Hyunjin. "Hyunjin, wolves can't bond twice." Bang Chan answers almost immediately, "No. Wolves bond for life and beyond. Now that we're bound together, neither one of us will ever bond to another." Hyunjin lets out a roar. "Then I'll just tear the two of you apart." 

I almost get a laugh out, but Taecyeon slams me hard against the stone altar beneath me, the rock shattering beneath the impact. "(Y/N)!" Through the dust and pain, I open my eyes, writhing beneath Taecyeon's deadly grasp. Bang Chan thrashes violently against his bonds, trying desperately to reach for me. "Seems I no longer have a use for you, child. What a shame." Taecyeon takes a piece of the shattered altar, raising it high over my head. "(Y/N)! Use me!" Bang Chan finally gets his hand free and reaches for me. I look at his desperate outstretched hand, feeling the promise of power cracks in the air between us. "Now, (Y/N)! Please!" In the last second, I reach out and take Bang Chan's hand. I am only able to brush my fingertips against his, but it is enough. Hot currents like molten gold braids through me. I feel everything with Bang Chan--his deepest secret, his innermost desires, his strongest fears, and his love for me. "(Y/N)..." His eyes flash gold and mine flash blue. Our shared power courses through us, vibrating from every inch of our skin. This feeling. I've never felt so strong. Taecyeon brings the sharp rock down, but I stop it with just my palm. Squeezing, I crumple the rock to dust. "What?!" Taecyeon balls his hand into a fist, but I know I can take him on. Taking Taecyeon's arm, I fling him over my body. To me, it doesn't feel like much. But Taecyeon flies backward, skidding into the crowd. "All of you, kneel!" I feel it now, the strength of true Alpha, buffeting out from me and ensnaring all that touches it. Hyunjin freezes in place, his body going rigid as he drops the knife. "No... No!" And yet, he does as commanded, dropping to one knee as my orders force him down. Taecyeon does the same, his body forcing him down as he snarls at me. "I never imagined you'd be capable of this." , "That's because you never believed in me." Then, all at once, his entire pack bows down, kneeling before me. He never believed in anyone other than himself. With Taecyeon and Hyunjin subdued, I lunge for Bang Chan, loosening his bonds. When he's free, he grabs me, kissing me hard. A kiss I never thought I'd have again. "You did it, (Y/N)." he cheered. "We both did it." , "No. This was all you." Bang Chan's eyes go dark as he bares his teeth, looking over my shoulder. "But it looks like this isn't over yet."

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