Wrath of hell

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Chyna is ready to not just harm but kill, she sees red walking backstage to find Stephanie and she doesn't care whether she has to go through Triple H and even Vince to get to her. You were standing ringside cheering while watching chyna's and Eddie's match against Shane McMahon and Triple H, you so caught up that you didn't see and hear stephanie along with X-Pac slowly sneaking behind you suddenly feeling pain in your back as you collapsed after being hit by a chair yelling for help from your girlfriend and your shared friend as stephanie puts your leg in the chair "Looks like the odds are even Latino heat and ninth wonder!" all four people in the ring look to see you crying and begging to be let go not seeing the terror and anger in your girlfriend's eyes and the pure rage in eddie's as they surge forward only to be stopped and attacked by shane and triple h, chyna's heart stops when she hears your heart stopping scream throwing shane out of the ring and running to you. She carefully removes the chair while eddie chases after stephanie and x intent on causing harm letting out a string of swearing in Spanish as you are carried to be checked out backstage sobbing in pain as you hold on tightly to chyna, you are taken to the ER with Edge and Christian by your side promising chyna to look after you while she and eddie took care of everyone else, she smirks for a second when she sees eddie going to town on x-pac while Rey deals with shane and surprisingly Chris Benoit takes on triple h leaving stephanie by herself not far away not knowing that chyna was there as she comes up and grabs steph by her hair then throat "You...you are going to pay and learn a lesson" she slams her against the wall and throws her on the floor "YOU CAN MESS WITH ME AND DO ANYTHING YOU WANT TO ME BUT ONCE YOU DO ANYTHING TO HURT HER THERE IS NO SORRY WHEN IT COMES TO THAT!" she stomps her before grinning for a split second when she sees a chair "Hey Rey! Hand me that chair!" rey grabs and slides the chair even helping hold stephanie down as she puts her leg in the chair. "Any pain she feels the person who inflicts it on her is going to feel the same pain but even worse" eddie helps hold the chair as chris finishes shane off with a hit in the face with a pan watching as chyna jumps and they all leave steph a screaming puddle on the floor before they all leave and head to the ER, "I can't thank either of you enough" she has to be pulled into a hug by eddie, rey, and edge after learning you were in emergency surgery to fix the damage staring nonstop at the wall, floor, or clock as the hours pass until finally a doctor tells them that the surgery went great and you would recover within time with rest and physical therapy which made her relieved behind words as she and everyone else sit by your side smiling when you wake up "Hey baby god i was so scared i am so glad you're okay" you tear up as he hug all your friends holding on tightly when chyna hugs you even trying to have her hold you until you see your leg smiling when they tell you not to worry about steph or her cronies anymore.

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