You're different

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You smile walking to the ring with Edge, you and him were in a tag team match against Triple H and Stephanie after having enough of their shit. The two of you worked well with and off each other always knowing what to do and when to tag each other in, even pulling off a unique tag team move where you build up speed by jumping against the ropes and wrapping your legs around one person's waist twisting them into the other person and while both are dazed and getting up edge comes in and spears both of them at the same time before pinning them and announced winners being pulled into many hugs and high fives backstage as the two of you head to your shared locker room, you smile before walking in the bathroom and showering jumping when you hear the door open peeking your head out to see a drained adam splashing water on his face. "I'm sorry I just felt dizzy" you shake your head as you finish showering, grabbing your towel and drying off in the shower before wrapping it around you and getting out only to see adam sitting on the ground with his eyes closed "You okay?" he looks at you nodding but turns when he gets up to go to the door "I want to tell you but I don't wanna lose you" you raise your brow at the statement "Lose me? You wouldn't ever lose me at all" you gently reach and grab his arm feeling your heart pound in your ears as your warm fingers touch his cool skin "You mean so much more to me, you're different" a shiver runs up your spine as he slowly grabs your face and kisses you, the kiss starts out tender and gentle before growing frantic and heated, the two of you had feelings for each other for two years now starting not too long after meeting through Jeff Hardy who was your childhood friend along with his brother Matt. The next thing you knew was you were against the wall with the towel loose knowing if you moved it would definitely fall but that leaves your mind when edge hovers his hand over the top of it "May I?" you nod before slowly opening and tossing the towel in awe of your body completely uncovered "God I knew you were beautiful but this just enhances your beauty" you giggle quietly until he starts kissing your neck before going down your body leaving you a blushing, breathless, and purely happy mess as your fingers tangle in his hair until he lifts you up and in the shower giving you the honors of stripping him of his pants after the shower is turned on and the water gets warm laughing as he closes the curtain kisses you softly until you were both molded together quietly moaning in the crook of his neck and his gently biting your shoulder until you were both slightly shaking and panting feeling the heat all over the two of you cool down thanks to the cold water cleaning up and drying off admiring each other until you were both dressed and walking to your cars to go to his house for the night.

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