Wake up and realize

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Rey, Chyna, Edge, and the rest of your group of friends were crossing their fingers as they watched behind a curtain miles away as you and Eddie talking after winning your tag team match together against Torrie Wilson and Bubba Dudley. The two of you had been friends for years since being in WCW together, you both have had feelings for each other two years into your careers in wcw and they only grew stronger when the two of you switched over to WWF fitting right in with chyna, rey, edge, Christian, and Chavo who were your family in and out of the business, they all encouraged both of you separately and in secret for you to tell each other how you truly felt but both of you were afraid and didn't want the feelings to ruin the bond the two of you had formed and had together over the past five years, they all kept rooting and encouraging the two of you hoping this was the moment things would change for the better and long awaited. They all hold their breaths watching the two of you hug each other only followed by groans as you walk away to the parking lot starting to head backstage until chyna squeals and rey is yelling at them "Guys come back! He just turned around, he's going to the parking lot!" they all jog as eddie runs to the parking lot as you get in your car buckling your seatbelt until a hand is tapping your window looking to see your door open and eddie gently pulling you out of your car, the group hides behind a wall peeking out just enough to see and watch the two of you "Eddie what's wrong you're-" he stops you with chuckle as he wraps his arms around you "God i was so blind this whole time, these past two months i pretended to want chyna when the person i was looking for and wanted was you, i just need to wake up and realize it" you both are lightly laughing as you slowly wrap your arms around his shoulders before he closes the gap kissing you with passion and tender affection leaving your friends a big pile of quiet, squealing, high fiving, and running messes until they are backstage leading to them all squealing, yelling, jumping around, and cheering as the two of you leave and head back to your home making up for the time you both spent worrying about rejection.

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