Gentle caregiver

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You had been feeling a lot of pain and having trouble passing urine so finally after holding off even when the pain made you double over and throwing up, you went to the doctor and found out you had kidney stones. You started feeling a lot more pain to the point where you could barely stand trembling in pain knowing soon you would have to pass however many stones needed to be passed, "Hey it's okay I'm here I won't leave you" you look to see Damian next to you gently squeezing your hand making sure you kept hydrated and fed even when you felt as sick as a dog and green all over making you warm meals soft on your belly and giving you meds for pain which dulled some of it out but it was still overbearing never leaving your side for one minute, standing right outside the door each time you went to the bathroom to try and pass the stones until you passed the first one holding a trash can throwing up making him worried when he walks in to see you halfway on the floor holding the trashcan even seeing a little blood on your leg as you rinse out your mouth and splash water on your face. As the next four days go on, he stays with you as you slowly and painfully pass each stone even crying and begging for him to hold you when you passed the fifth one because you were in a lot of uncontrollable pain and scared you would pass out at the blood you saw, you ended up getting better on the fourth night and in total you had passed seven stones and despite still being sore when you peed and a little blood it cleared up after a day and soon you were back to training and your usual self thankful for what you called neverending hell to finally be over and thanked damian alot for staying by your side through it all "I love you and i'll always help you when you need to be looked after".

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