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This was not what you were expecting at all, you knew you wanted a family at some point in your life but you didn't think you would reach that point in this part of your life. You and Christian have been dating for two years since mid 1998 four months after you joined WWF becoming great friends with him and Edge leading to the two of you getting together and it was the best relationship you ever had in your life, but the two of you really hadn't talked about having a family or getting married let alone moving in together though you had been talking about the last subject for the past two months every once in awhile leaving you a nervous wreck as you think of a way to tell him leading you to sneak into Chyna and Eddie's locker room since you were close friends with both of them smiling when you see chyna before breaking down "I don't know what to do or how to tell him" chyna looks out in the hall before locking it seeing the concern on her face "I'm pregnant and I'm scared of what Christian would think" she smiles sweetly before hugging you "Oh he's gonna be over the moon honey! Why wouldn't he be happy god he loved you so much" you look at her stunned as she explains how much he talks about you to everyone even telling them that he had been starting to think of ways to propose to you after you moved in with him making your heart flutter. You smile backstage watching the boys matches hugging both of them before laughing at edge running down the hall to talk to Rikishi, "Hey got news for you" he raises a brow as you close and lock the door taking a deep breath as you look at him not able to help the tears that brim in your eyes "I'm pregnant, I found out earlier and god I didn't know what you would think..." he stops by grabbing and hugging you with the softest laugh looking at you with the biggest smile on his face "Oh my god i can't believe we're gonna be parents" you smile tearfully as he kisses you before unlocking the door leading edge to walk in "What's with the smiles?" christian laughs before pulling edge into a hug "Remember that promise we made if we ever had kids?" edge nods before you grab both their hands laughing at the first confused then realization on his face "Oh shit! Oh god of course guys I'll be the godfather" you laugh as he brings you into a big hug seeing christian smile at you and his dearest friend who were like siblings to each other as the two of you were overjoyed and edge was stunned and thrilled by at the big change for the two of you, the two of you each tell all your friends about it and vince who immediately cut you back from matches for a few weeks having you ringside or only in the ring for promos and you and the boys reveled the news to fans who were all stunned, truly supportive, and thrilled immensely for the two of you still going to see his matches live in your later stage of pregnancy to support your fiance and shared friend who was also a brother to both of you.

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