Don't say those things

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The thoughts of self hatred and many different insults filled your mind as you stared at yourself in the mirror full of disgust. You had never had the greatest self esteem or unconditional love for yourself that you had and gave to others in your life, you had been through and still dealing with severe on and off depression with crippling bouts of anxiety neither of which helped with the self esteem issues and pure hate you've had for yourself for years as long as you have remembered since your preteen years, you were so caught up in the thoughts of your disturbed mindset that you didn't hear the front door downstairs open and close nor the yell of your girlfriend "Baby! I'm home I got us food" she is a bit confused by the quiet house usually filled with music or something playing on the tv always finding you doing something around the house or immediately running in her arms unless you were showering, running errands, or asleep which is what she thinks happened as she goes upstairs opening the door to the bedroom only to find a sight that breaks her heart. She sees you blankly staring at yourself in the mirror filled with disgust and self deprecation as she walks to you "Honey, what's wrong?" you jump slightly when you hear her turning to see her watching you "Nothing just tired" you walk past her as she sighs knowing how you didn't like to talk about the subject that had plagued you for so long that it affected the way you lived in the way of presenting yourself to others and how you truly see yourself behind closed doors alone, "Come here babe" you turn and look at her with tears in your eyes and a small pout on your lips before laying your head on her shoulder "It's okay sweetie". You cry in her shoulder as the two of you slowly sway side to side "God why couldn't i just be prettier for you" she pulls you away gently holding your face in her hands "Sweetie, you're beautiful" you sigh as you wrap your arms around her tighter "I just don't feel good enough for you" she stops you as you try to continue whatever insult you had for yourself "Don't say those things about yourself baby" she kisses your forehead before wiping your face as she holds you sitting on the bed "I love you pretty girl" you shake your head with a small smile before kissing her "I love you too dear" you feel a new sense of self love and acceptance for yourself over the next short amount of time feeling your confidence grow thanks to your loving girlfriend.

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