I want you both in my life

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You walk with the boys and stand ringside while cheering them on in their tag team match against Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, you jump and cheer loudly after they win the match sliding in the ring hugging Rey before Edge hugs and lifts you in his arms as the crowd cheers watching the three of you walk back stage "The two of you kicked ass!" they laugh as you sit down in your shared locker room soaking the joy of winning as the adrenaline wears off, you all joke and laugh feeling your face heat up when rey wraps his arm around your waist while edge gently moves his hand and holds strands of your short hair in between his fingers. The air in the room suddenly changed as the three of you leave instead of normally celebrating at the bar with a few drinks, you all have a drink at edge's place a few hours away enjoying the quiet of the only people being the three of you until things grew more intimate in the blink of an eye while talking with each other "I love you...I love both of you, i want you both in my life" you stare at the ground as they look at you then each other as their eyes light up before a mischievous glint appeared as you look to see rey in front of you and edge behind you making your brain short circuit, your heart quivers and shakes erratically, and you feel two sets of cool hands against your warm skin "Let us show you that we feel the same mi vida" you feel your heart melt with warmth at the words before being pulled into a tender kiss by him as edge caresses your body lightly placing kisses on your neck until he pulled you into a soft kiss as the three of you hand in hand walk in his bedroom. Goosebumps form on your body as your clothes are slowly stripped and laid down feeling the nervous and a bit of anxiety wash away as edge holds your upper back against his chest placing kisses on you before pulling you into a delicate kiss as rey caresses your body with his fingers gently kissing your skin before you all intertwined your hands feeling rey slowly begin to lick and suck on your nerves feeling your breath stuck in you until edge slowly wraps his arms around you whispering to you "It's okay to be nervous, let the noises out" you soon let out low moans as you feel the pleasure from rey and the fiery touch from edge and the moans grew when they switched places except this time edge slowly pushed himself in you while laying against rey who swallowed your whimpers of pain with a tentative kiss, you wrap one arm around edge's shoulders while using the other to hold rey's hand tracing his tattoos against his lukewarm body smiling when he kisses your palm while edge pants as you met each other's hips in slow movements that picked up. You hide your face in edge's shoulder after he gently lifts you up before putting you down a little, you feel a different kind of trust, safety, intimacy, and love in this moment with the two men you fell in love with as rey rubs your hips before being molded together running your hands down his back until the three of you are panting and smiling before getting up and showering helping clean each other up, you fall asleep after laying down between the two with their arms wrapped around you, bodies entangled, head on rey's chest and edge's head on both your and rey's shoulders waking up that next morning with rey bringing breakfast and after you were laughing when they started tickling you before placing kisses all over your face and after two months of things being secret and quiet you told your friends and families about the three of you earning tons of support and unconditional love from them all.

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