Stuck in gear

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You groan in relief after walking in your locker room immediately closing the bathroom door after placing your towel and change of clothes on the sink. You get half of your gear off leaving you in your upper gear but as you reach your hand back for the zipper you don't feel it thinking that it was a bit higher than you thought then you thought it was lower feeling all around the zipper line until you stare in the mirror wide eyed "Fuck come on!" you try many ways to get it off once realizing the zipper was gone, from trying to pull it over you to tearing it off you just couldn't and all you really wanted to do was get it off, shower, put your clothes on, patch up your bruised and injured body, and head home with your girlfriend after the long night and match you've been through feeling tears of frustration and exhaustion brim in your eyes. You text your girlfriend asking where she was not getting any answer so you spammed her begging her to come to your locker room and help you, after fifteen minutes you hear loud footsteps and her yelling "Baby! Are you okay?!" you yell out leading her to open the bathroom door only to find you on the ground still trying to tear the top of your gear off "I am stuck in this thing because the damn zipper fell off and I need help" she looks at you before walking to you then out of the room finding a pair of scissors that you had used to cut a string of your shirt earlier and forgot was in the other room grabbing them and cutting the top off you, you groan in relief as you stand and hug you "Thank you baby god I feel like I can breath again af-ow babe what the hell?!" she slapped you on your bruised shoulder "I thought something happened to you!" you apologize leading her to sigh and join you in the shower changing in your clothes and grabbing her pair from her locker room and bringing them to her. After getting patched up, watching the rest of Raw, and congratulating your friends the two of you head home hiding your face when she laughs about the situation while telling Rhea over the phone on the way home, you both change in pajamas and lay in bed as exhaustion washes over you "I love you" she smiles pressing a kiss to your cheek "I love you baby, but if you ever scare me like that again or get stuck in your gear I will beat your ass" you roll your eyes smacking her butt causing her to yelp making you laugh before the two of you were wrapped together under the covers in each other's arms and asleep.

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