Part 3: the portal

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" uh wait a second, but how the hell do we get there?" Asked PWA

"My ban hammer of course" said the creator

Mr.S face slammed himself

"Didn't you break your hammer like a week ago?" He said

"UHH- no?" The creator said nervesly


"ALRIGHT THE FUCKING ENOUGH!!!" Yelled the creator


Every country ball kept sitting down while one and only one country ball stranded up with ignorance on his face rolling his eyes, part of the commie balls and the most annoying little shit of them all,best Korea(yes they call him that for no reason)

"YOU SON OF A" the creator cut out about to slam the ball with her hammer but slightly misses and breaks it


-End of flashback -


So?" Asked mr S

"FINE!... I broke my hammer ... But only by accident!" Yelled the creator

"Well what now?" Asked PWA

"Guess we're not going " the creator answer him

"But- " PWA cuts himself off

"wait! There is a way ! " Yelled the creator "But it's not gonna be easy..."

(A few Doritos later)

"No I'm not giving you my hammer" palm faced the sub-creator

"PLS " the creator whined

"Two reasons " the sub-creator explained "one it's to dangerous to go there cuz of the cringe and two I'm not giving you my hammer"

"W-WHY?!" The creator whined again

" Oh idk , maybe you might break the hammer!" The sub-creator then walks away.

The creator looks at PWA

" There's no hope PWA , there is no hope "

PWA face turns into a frown

"If there is no hope for him there is no hope for us" said Gylala crossing their arms.

"Their right " said Mr S "It's to dangerous to go to the country human world , it's full of cringe and they could find out we are there"

While we all stand in disappointment we all hear a voice that is in our right.It was I familiar voice and looked familiar,It was Anna Y.

"I could help you .." she smiled

"In what way " said the creator

"If you give me the chance to be the creator until you come back ,I will give you the chance go to the country human world without a problem with my powers" she explained

"Fine , but do anything wrong " the creator said

"But , first of all , I need a raise" said Anna Y

Makes sense why Anna Y needs a raise , every creator wants one so they ask "The creator" to give them a raise . Sadly she doesn't want to offend anyone because she thinks giving one person a raise is gonna make the other creators start a whole dam revolution to get a fucking raise .They can even sue the creator but that has never happened....for now ....

"N-" the creator was cut off

"Yes she will give you a raise ,I my right" Drew undil cutted the creator

Drew then grabbed the creators pocket money from he pocket (obviously) and gives it to the Anna Y, she smiled a little a the creators followed her to the portal base to open a portal to the country human world .While they were going Anna Y was explaining the consequences that could go wrong in the country human world , since it's one of the banned worlds to go to visit, besides that, country humans are more rude cuz of their creators (it depends) .

"We are here" exclaimed Anny Y

" Now what ?" Asked Jack who hasn't talked in a while

While everyone was staring Anna Y used her powers to open up the portal to the country human world , her power created heave winds so when the portal was ready , her stupid blonde ass said

" Bye assholes I will miss you "

"Bye blonde piece of shit with a grey coat " said Mr S

" Shut up mayonnaise" Anna Y spits out

"Don't call him that " yelled PWA

" Why not ? " Anna Y raised an eye brow

" Are you gay or smt ?  do you need any help ? Or are you just defending your friend cuz I called him mayonnaise" asked Anna Y

"No ?" Said PWA " also I'm not gay , we are just really close friends"

" Alright alright I get it" Anna Y rolled her eyes " but you guys might be and now get your ass in the portal before I make you "

While PWA entered the portal while doing the sign to Anna Y saying " I'm watching you ", she told Mr S to wait for Gylala cuz they were in the bathroom


"Ugh this journey is gonna be very stupid"

I can tell

" Shut up otaku dragon instincts , your just annoying as Pablo from "girl in the hoodie" "

At Least I'm not sus like him

"What do you mean ? Your name has literally "otaku" in it ."

That's because you made the name

"I called you that just for fun alright? Don't take it so seriously jeez"

Okay , if you say so

" Hey stupid dragon girl or boy! Are you done using the bathroom?! Anna Y is not gonna wait for you " yelled Mr S.

" I'm coming " I yelled back

I have a feeling you like someone

"Me ? How? Why? I'm not in love with anyone . Every one in our group is just a stupid piece of shit"

"GYLALA!" Yelled again Mr S

Jeez that dude is impatient

"I know but now let's go"

-MR S-

"What took you so long!?" I asked

" I- I got my period"

Mr S and Anna Y jaw drops

"But your a they/them you can't get periods" said Mr S

" I'm gonna close the portal if you asses don't get in " said Anna Y impatiently

"Fine, blondy shit" I said

"Bye Anna Y " said Gylala

" Bye greened eyed orange dragon" she replied

Anna Y closed the portal after Gylala and I went through it . Good luck to all of us we will need it for sure this time since we done this types of missions in other worlds.

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