19: We are back

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"Cuba , your FINALLY awake " I said coming down the stairs.

"W... what happened?.... Where I my ? " She asked, looking conscious .

I looked at her a showed her the note that I found on the fridge , but then readed the note and she smiled I little giving her back the old memories that she had with her friends back then , but their dead now (except for Nam) so no more fun for them . But the thing I want to know now it , how the. Fuck is there a monster looking void thing inside of her eye ? , I wanted to know so badly.

"Hey Cuba " I said

"Ye?" She asked

"How did you get your eye patched up and why is there a monster inside of your eye?" I asked , stuttering a bit

She stayed silent and looked away , giving the urge to slap me across the face , I was pretty anxious, but I didn't care I wanted to know and knowing is a good thing...... right?

"Well , you see" she explained " when I was a child..."

-flash back-

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Drunk Spain yelled out loud .

The rest of my lantino brothers and sisters stayed in a corner while hugging themselves, some hid in their room , under their bed and covering their ears with their hands or headphones, trying to get the stuff out of their head by listening to music.

"You are a mistake, A LITERAL MISTAKE!" Drunk Spain yelled again as she throwed her bottle at me but she missed.

"YOU SHOULD OF HAD BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL BED , ALREADY DEAD , NOT YOUR BROTHER, YOU! " She yelled again , grabbing another empty bottle and hitted me in my eye making me pass out and bleed.

She breathed heavily, before realising that I almost died , calling the cops and the hospital. I woke up in a bed and I could only see with my right eye , meaning Spain hitted me in the left. I felt pain and guilt , I was just 26 , for a country that's very young and still a child.

TC (the country human) came in along with Switzerland (the doctor of course) came in , TC came to visit me , just making sure I was ok , she came to me to give me a gift, witch was a new eye patch, but it was a different eye patch. It was the type witch risited  alot , it cost her 4 hours to make it , cuz she is a genetic scientist but she most of the time makes stuff that is good for people.

TC said to me that I could grant one whish after I was better , she told me to think , so I did ..... It was to remove my genes from Spain . She told me if I was sure , I told her yes that I was completely sure . So what she did it take me Genetic and removed some of Spain's genetic from me and replaced it with some of the other creators genetic, making me a half creator (well I'm not a creator cuz some not alot of countries did the same as me ) .

TC now became my new mother , even if she was (very) young to take care of me , so you know , TC ages when she wants to age (as so as the country ball) so it basically explains why she is 12 years old . I got bullied alot , but not for the reason TC is my half mother but because I was the quiet kid , it's because I was one hated country, I had no friends back then but my commie friends , which were all boys ,me and nam where the only girls.

If you know me well , you might know  who bullies me alot , well we won't talk about that right now , if makes me have really bad flash backs on were he did something harm full to me but I will end this frase for now.

But one day , he decided to gett agresively curious, we meeted at break time and then he grabbed my patch and stomped it on the floor then I started bleeding black blood and covered my eye , but the blood wouldn't stop bleeding, he started cursing at me , while the teachers came in and dragged him away . He called me a monster.

Then , the nurse called TC , making her mad , homeschooling me , but I was happy I didn't get to see that fat bitch again. Well eventually as time went on , I left to live with my friend in their house , I was 109, but now my friends became my room mates , witch I really liked cuz I had no friends for a few years , until they passed away except for me and Nam , who thanks to Portugal , sended me to the house were I was stuck with "the guy who made me eat soap"

Well before all the crazyness happened, TC haved me an Eye patch , it was a star eyepatch and it was very cute so I kept it for almost forever.

-end of flashback -

"There was a humanised version of me ? " I question, confused and shocked .

"Well yes , I missed my her now but I got used to it " Cuba said , putting her her head down .

"It's ok Cuba , you will get through it " tha Grinch said grabbing a strand of her hair and putting it behind Cuba's ear , but she pushed his hand away gently.

"We should probably go back now , Spain is worried about us " Cuba said standing up

We walked out the house, but Cuba written her signature on it , to keep it in the house as a memory to her . As we walked, I found the sub-creator witch was looking for my ass and these two . She said she didn't trust them with me because they were country humans, dam that's savage, well we went back home and when we did Spain have them a big hug aswell as me , and TSC slapped me in the face for obvious reasons. What a bitch.

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