18: another safe place

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"Cuba?" I asked, I could finally move again.

Cuba passed out, but tha Grinch picked her up and then he carried her in his back . We walked back , but Tha Grinch wanted to take a short cut because we runned a fucking marathon in the whole planet.

A few minutes later, we stumble across a random hat , it was a soviet hat . I picked it up, but we looked front of us, it was another house , it's had a sign that said " the comunist house hold"  . It seemed like the comunist really extended and made a whole house , who was obviously , destroyed .

I looked at the hat, in the ticket in the hat .

"Made in Cuba"

Oh so it's Cuba's hat?

It possibly is, but she is sleeping now , so you can put it on if you would like .


I would let you this time , but it's the only time I would let you


I putted the hat on , making tha Grinchy chuckle , we stared at the house a bit and then we went in , Cuba still passed out in his back with her arms around his neck .

We went inside the house , it was dark  cuz somebody hasn't fixed the power in a long time but even if it was dirty, it was nice looking.

The house had 5 rooms , 1 living room-kitchen, two bathrooms, one laundry room and for some reason , a basement, what where they gonna do? Hide their victims in tha basement to invade them later ? Jeez.

"It's not that bad of a house, you know?" Tha Grinchy said

"I agree, but these guys lived like the were in a luxury house jeez" I said

"Maybe , Cuba still remembers something , she just gotta wake up first " he said , dropping her carefully on the floor.

Cuba was still passed out and we crouched down to look at her for no reason. We looked at her for 5 minutes, 10 min and at the end , 15 minutes. I told Grinchy I was gonna visit the house of the idiots and he can  take care of hansume miku's dead body.

First room , was the living room/the kitchen, it wasn't that messy but it had papers on the ground and stuff rotten on the wall , it was spray paint along with markers. While I explored , I found out the fridge wasn't empty , it had stuff that hasn't yet expired , it was stuff like : ramen , vodka (for some reason) and more useful stuff but I foud a letter and it was above three lollipops, and it was a note and it had written letter and it looked really meesed up :

Cuba:Dear "best " Korea, I have stolen you lollipop cuz I was in need of desert cuz I already had mine , I don't apologize because you never apologized to me for embarrassing me that one time .

NK: Go fuck your self , I have you password to Google and soon I will read your search history an show it to Russia.

Cuba: Don't you dare you spychopath, i have recorded what you have done last night with your "secret lover " that you tried Keeping a secret from Russia. Now I will expose you if you expose my Search history.

NK: I was joking, but you went a little to far

Cuba: I was joking aswell , also , can you forgive me for eating your lollipop?

NK: fine , aslong as you by me ten lollipops in two days , just yourself, no getting help from others.

Cuba: I guess I can do that , but what if I don't have enough pesos?

NK: then just ask your government to give you more .... Oh right I forgot about your block , I'm sorry, well I have stolen some pesos from you months ago I guess I can give them back .

Cuba : ok thanks brother <3

NK : your welcome

Can we talk about the hand writing? I mean Cuba 's hand writing is good but NK hand writing is the shittiest (like mine in irl) I have ever seen but I bet the Grinch's hand writing is Terrible, more than a comunist handwriting. Next room was Russia's room , which was all very messy, and even the bed wasn't made up and it smelled like vodka and blood in there so that's a 4/10 right there . Next was China's room , which smelled like perfume and the smell of Chinese culture which I actually didn't mind even if everyone is gonna be racist in the comment section, nothing else to say here, but it's a 8/10.

Next is upstairs which was , Vietnam 's old room , when I entered I was surprised to se that it was pretty small it had a bed , a shelf and a desk with a tree snow globe , I mean it isn't that bad and it smelled like rice , 8.6/10.
Next is Laos's room Which was looked but I managed to kick the door and the room looked like Nam's room but instead it was blue so the same rate here ,8.5/10.

Almost last , we have NK's room , it was nice but it had a small map of the world but isntead of the countries it was just NK making a separeted pangea , but NK's room had a passenge down stairs witch lead to a gym , a huge gym, not bad , 9/10. Last but not least we have Cuba 's old room which had a window like Nam's and Laos's rooms and it was indeed a pretty clean room , a clean smell of tamales and nothing wrong, just one problem, after a few minutes of getting in it started smelling like smoked cuban cigars in the room, but it's a 9.9/10 for me.

And no I'm not checking the basement or the laundry room cuz one of them is probably small and boring and another one is traumatizeding and gives you shiverly timers when eve you feel the wind touch you also : Cuba has finaly waken up from her nap...

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