Chapter 130

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[In the months leading up to the princess's demise, a grave dispute erupted between her and Knox.

Through cunning schemes orchestrated by Knox, the princess's favor with the people diminished, and she was unjustly branded as a villainess of epic proportions.

The relentless stress inflicted upon her frail body hastened her decline, ultimately resulting in her untimely death.

Speculatively, it is possible that the dragon's destructive rampage was triggered by these events. However, this is merely conjecture on my part.

Once I complete the interpretation, I will be sure to share the findings with you, Little Marquis. Thank you once again for granting me this opportunity.]

I felt a little flattered by Apple's back-to-back thank-yous.

Sadly, there was no mention of any money-making tools, but it was well worth the time to read the long letter.

I recalled hearing that black-haired creatures were not to be harvested. Could it be because they lacked black hair? Apple, being a knowledgeable wizard, surely understood the intricacies of such matters.

The princess, by the way...

'Didn't Godori mention a princess once, asking about my previous life?'

And when Reynos heard that, he kidnapped Godori to silence him. Hm...

This seemed to be an important clue, so I made a mental note of it.

'Now all I need is a letter about regression magic.'

Hopefully, I'll hear back from Apple soon.

In any case, now was the time to make sure this paternity detector was working.

I carefully reviewed Apple's instructions once more, my gaze shifting to the Golden Libra in my hands.

'Five use limit.'

Considering that I planned to employ it twice on Ermetsch and once to expel Tyriel from Cherish, I would have two remaining chances.

It seemed prudent to test the tool beforehand, ensuring it wouldn't malfunction during a critical moment.

With determination, I reached for a pair of scissors and promptly paid a visit to Lavirins, requesting a sample of hair.

These days, the Marquis was diligently occupied in his office, driven by the newfound status of Lavirins as the equivalent of a ducal family.

"Do you mind if I cut that hair?"

"Hmmm...? You mean my hair?"

"Yes, I need to use it."

I said, snipping, snipping, snipping the scissors, and the Marquis looked at me puzzled by the out-of-the-blue request.

"What are you going to use it for?"

"I'm going to make a wig to help support the family."

While Lavirins had garnered an enhanced reputation in recent years, its financial situation had not seen similar improvement.

I was still in the process of repaying the funds that were pilfered from my vault during the Queen's attack.

To emphasize the importance of the matter, I emphasized the significance, leaving the Marquis astonished by the revelation.

"You mean the finances are that bad? They seemed fine when I looked at the books yesterday...?"

Oh, no. I guess living as a scarecrow marquis and working a bit these days doesn't fool him.

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