Side Story 12

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After Gerald's wedding.

The sight of the former Marquis Lavirins meeting me, or more precisely, encountering Reynos in my guise, was downright unsettling.

Then he delivered a finishing blow.



Inside the Lavirins mansion, in my office, Reynos elegantly sipped his tea and responded gracefully. However, when faced with the subsequent question, he lost his composure, and his pupils trembled.

"When are you planning to get married? It's been well over two years since you were engaged to the prince."

No, take a break for a few months, why again!

Sitting beside Reynos, munching on cookies, I shot a glance that conveyed "enough."

However, being a real dragon and not Reynos, it didn't have the desired effect. It was a complete disaster.

The Marquis, who focused on Reynos rather than me, muttered.

"Could it be that Duval Essit still lingers in your heart..."

- Piit. (Absolutely not.)

I swiftly intervened, fearing Reynos might misinterpret.

After a moment of silence, with Reynos fidgeting with his teacup, he finally responded.

"No. I will contemplate the idea of marriage."

"Is it possible that His Highness is postponing the marriage?"


"Then you have no intention of doing so?"

Reynos remained silent, the accurate response, yet a challenging one as he wasn't directly involved in the decision.

The former Marquis Lavirins, deducing the answer from the silence, widened his eyes.


"....I don't know."

"Don't know what?"

Though it likely meant not understanding my sentiments about delaying marriage, he couldn't explicitly state that.

Reynos, who had been silently reflecting, responded in a subdued voice.

"I need some time to think about it, and I want to be alone."

The Marquis, initially prepared to offer gentle advice on promptly getting married, sealed his lips, sensing a deeper narrative.

Well, if that puts an end to the nagging, I should give it a shot when I return to my body.

The Marquis complied with Reynos's request and was about to leave when he cautiously inquired.

"By the way, is there anything that has been bothering you lately?"

"....? Oh, no. Nothing."

Reynos awkwardly denied, realizing belatedly that his tone deviated from my usual one.

I raised my eyebrows, unimpressed by the feeble denial. I would have preferred him to simply blurt out, "leave quickly."

"I'm just tired from a lot of things going on."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, then. Even so, you seemed a little out of sorts lately, and I wondered if something was going on."

My face stiffened.

If someone, so oblivious to the emotional abuse their daughter was enduring, goes as far as to make such remarks, it means most of the mansion has already noticed a change in me.

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