C h a p t e r F i f t y - T w o

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                                                                   PART FIFTY TWO

                                                              ❝Everything, is fine.❞

As I soon learned, these friends of Jack's were not what I would consider friends

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As I soon learned, these friends of Jack's were not what I would consider friends. As soon as I pulled up to the house I wanted to throw up. This was by definition, a trap house. I grimaced as I scooped Evie into my arms. I walked along the broken front walk. There were hardly windows, the shutters were falling off and the paint was peeling away slowly. I jiggled the door knob and pressed it open. The door was so fragile I wouldn't have been surpised if it turned to dust in my hands. In the living room, or what could be called a living room there was a single couch. Where I saw my husband. Sprawled across it in only a pair of filthy sweatpants.

"Kaitlyn?" He asked sitting up. He looked fucked. I did not run into his arms I had thought I would. I simply stood there, holding my daughter. Looking at him bleakly. 

"Yea." I replied, not knowing what to say. It was than that I noticed the smell. It was rank. I'd been in plently of old dealer's homes. They were in the word, trap houses. But not like this. This was horrible, I was shaking. I wanted to turn and run. I did not want to live here. I did not want to be here at all.

"Hey, how's my girl?" He gestured to our daughter holding out his hands to take her. I pulled away gently. I did not want him to touch her, or hold her or even be near her like this. 

"What about me?" I whispered. The general creep factor of this place wasn't lost on me so I used normal actions when buying drugs. You stay pretty fucking silent.

"I'm sorry. I missed you." He said and made an attempt to kiss me which I also dodged.

"What are you on?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and I saw a slice of anger pulse through them. I stepped back putting myself in the direct opening of the door.

"I did miss you. You are my wife and that is my child." 

I was actually shaking. Normally, I would not have been. A year or so ago, I was all for everything. I'd have happily been here all day and all night laying on the couch getting fucked, both physically and emotionally. Jack sat back down. I sat next to him.

"I'm scared." I said, and it was the most honest I had ever been with anyone. I felt him lay an arm around my body. I buried my face into his chest.

"I'm scared because I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to leave her and I don't want you to leave me." I croaked.  Jack's face changed. He nodded, a look of understanding passed over his face.

"Look, everything's going to fine. You think in all of this time I haven't had to deal with the cops. Of course I have, we'll go home sooner or later it'll die down eventually I promise." He said and he did kiss me. I let him. His lips, dry and cracked beneath mine still felt like home though. I still loved him.

Was it possible to love two people at the same time? In different ways. I wanted to only ever love Jack. But every day, in the back of my head stood Leo. Still wanting to love me, as fucked up as I was. I felt Jack take our child from my arms. She looked up at him. A look of wonder in her eyes. That was her dad, I wonder who she'd chose. I wonder if she loved one of us more. I leaned into him. Letting my eyes shut.


When I woke up, the sound of voices and yelling startled me to no end. One of the people yelling was Jack. I glanced around for who had my child. It was then I spotted her. In a man I did not recognize's arms. I stood on shaky feet to walk over to them. 

"Yoo look who's finally up!" someone exclaimed. The man holding my daughter stepped toward me.

"So this yo wife man?" Another asked gesturing to me and to Jack. Jack nodded.

"Score huh."

"Didn't you say you was never get married, I swear I remember yo ass saying that." A guy who was about seven fucking feet tall said. There was a lot of guys here, I counted twelve. Jack pulled me aside. The music got louder. He shut the bathroom door behind us. I could not tell what he had taken, my guess and hope was that he was only drunk or stoned. I doubted it though. 

"I fucking missed you so much." He said, pushing me against the counter I smiled. 

"I did too." I breathed against his neck as he kissed me. Than I remembered my daughter in a strange mans arms I pushed on him.

"Evie." I said through his wandering hands. He pressed his lips into my neck. I sucked in my breath.

"She'll be okay, make it quick." He said unzipping my jeans. He pulled them down around my thighs exposing the light purple thong. He smiled. I could lie and say I wore it for comfort, but it was because it was his favorite. He slid his fingers under my underwear. I burried my face against his neck.

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