Chapter 4

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He reached out and touched the mark.

My body exploded in pain. As I feel to the ground screaming.

My felt as if it had just been tossed into smoldering flames. It felt like my skin was actually burning. As I continued to scream, Brandon had grabbed me in his arms and was now rocking back and forth.

The pain went away rather quickly, but the pain I had just felt moments before made you want to die. It took me a moment to realize that the pain had shot up from everywhere except the mark that he and I shared.

I just laid there in his arms until I felt that I was okay to move. I looked up at Brandon and he was staring at me with huge eyes that showed concern, pain, and scared. He was scared for me.

I looked over at Jen. I could see she was trying to understand why my mates touch had just caused me severe pain.

Just then it all came into my head...I knew what it was... But I didn't have time to speech just then Jakob came barging into my room.

"Take your filthy hands off my mate." Jakob said with a tone that would have made you drop dead. I began to shutter. I don't want him. He isn't mine, never was, never will be.

"She is not your mate. She doesn't bare your mark. And I am her rightful mate. She is MINE." Brandon replied in a hateful tone.

"Leave Jakob, now before I hurt you." Jen said in a calm voice. Since Jen is a witch and she is a servant of nature she has the right to protect herself from its dangerous elements. Werewolves being in her top 10 list. She was able to cause a supernatural creature to wither in pain. I have never had it done to me but she has used it on Jakob twice.

"Not without her." He said pointing at me. I looked at him and the look he gave me showed no remorse. I pushed myself deeper into Brandon's chest.

"No." I myself was surprised at how strong I sounded considering what I was just put through. "I want you out of my house. Now." I said in a commanding voice.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but you don't get to order me around, I'm the alpha not you." He said with a horrid grin he walked up to where I was laying on top of Brandon's lap. I saw his hand coming towards me to grab me. I waited to be dragged out of the room. A second later I was laying on my bed with Brandon on the floor on top of Jakob.

"Don't you dare touch my mate. If you touch what is mine again I will not hesitate to kill you" Brandon hissed in Jakob's face. Then Brandon said something that I couldn't hear. But from the shock on Jakob's face it scared him. "Leave." Brandon commanded and Jakob got up.

I thought he was going to just leave. But Jakob did something that stunned me. He shoved Brandon, who was off-guard, came at me with supernatural speed whispered in my ear. "I'll be back for you." Then was gone.

I started rocking back and forth. "No, no, no, no, no....I don't want him" I whispered. Brandon ran over to me scooped me up and held me tight.

"Shhhh, my Luna, he won't get you, shhhh it's okay." I was deeply comforted by his words and relaxed almost instantly.

Then the thought came back. I had to tell him what I knew. I was scared that might get hurt. But it was the right thing to do. I had to tell him....

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now