Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"PARTYYY!!!" Someone screamed.

Here we go. I thought. My family was out of town on a vacation over seas and they had absolutely no idea what was going on right now it their house.

"What's up babe?" Jakob asked, as he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

"Nothing, just thinking about how much trouble I'm going to get into when my parents find out what i did" I remarked.

"Oh please you won't get in trouble, the pack is all that is here (about 100 people), plus Jen and her boyfriend, and a few human friends that know about us."

"I'm so gonna get caught!" I exclaimed. Now if you can't tell I'm somewhat of a goodie-goodie and I really hate getting in trouble. Jakob is the one who talked me into having the party.

"If anyone rats you out I will say it was my idea, then kick whoever's ass who told on you, got it? I can't have my mate getting punished, that's only for me to do, no one else." I informed boldly.

I stiffened at those last few sentences. I mean yeah I was lucky for being the alphas mate, and that he choose me but I wanted to find my real mate. I liked Jakob but he can be a real asshole when it comes to my freedom and my life, well basically anything that has to do with me.

"I'll be back in a bit, don't you dare dance with anyone other than me, got it?" He said more like a demand than a question.

I nodded. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and walked away.


Jakob was an okay kisser. But I'm talking about the fact that I felt absolutely nothing when I kissed him.

No sparks, so swelling in the chest, no butterflies, it just felt utterly plain.

God how do you explain to an alpha that you don't really want to be with him that you want to find your real mate. I guess Jakob thought that I was his and that's why he kept such a strong hold on me.

I guess he never truly saw that we weren't meant for each other. I guess he didn't want I mate, and for her or him I felt sorry for, you basically live for your mate, and the object that he only wants me kind of sucks. he shouldn't want me the way he does, but he refuses to believe that his mate is ever going to come. 

But when she does its going to knock him down on his butt and surprise him. she will be strong, that's not hard to see. Anyone who comes into contact with Jakob had to be strong, or else he intimidates you to the max.

But that just comes with being an Alpha I suppose. All strong and cocky, it can get quite annoying but its just a physical trait of being dominate. 

But one thing is for sure, he is not my mate, and never will be.

I have always dreamed of mate. What he will look like, smell like, taste like, ;)

He will be made perfectly for me. 

We will love each other.

Care for each other.

He will be a good father to our pups.

Strong enough to deal with my stubbornness.

And kind enough to know what to do when I'm feeling down. 

It's fact that when two mates are meant to be together that they bare the same symbol in their bodies. They receive these marks at the age of 15. They usually end up with someone else or alone. Not many wolves find their real mates. My only problem is when my 15th birthday came around I not only had one mark on my body but four.

Me being me flipped out and almost went into a panic attack. I asked my best friend Jen for help, she complied. We ended up with one case where a girl had two marks but her so called mates where twins so there is something to that because the marks were very similar.

My marks on the other hand are nothing similar at all. My marks are all very different. Each pack has one of the four elements. But each person in the pack has a different mark but it shows as the same element. I should tell you that there is an explanation for two of the marks. Water and Fire.

I was born at the last second of July 22, the element for that month is water, the zodiac sign is Cancer. But since I was born on the last day of Cancer which makes me merge with Leo. Which makes my other element Fire. And if you ask any of my friends they will tell me that I show both personalities daily. My wolf usually is more like fire. She is very impatient and sometimes aggressive, whereas me, my human self tends to be more calm and kind.

Don't get me wrong I love my wolf but sometimes I realize that when my wolf is upset my fire side comes forth a lot easier. She can be mean though.

Getting back to my marks. I have four. One on my left hip in the front a single bright blue wave. On my right side of my hip I sport a triple flame that has red orange and yellow, it looks like real flames. One right in the middle, of my chest just above my breast. It looks like a wind current with white and gray surrounding its black swirl. The last one is on my low back right above by butt, it's a single tree, with green leaves.

Yeah when Jen and I noticed the four different symbols of the elements we started to look into it only to find nothing that could help us. Back to square one.

That was about two years ago. I'm now 17 almost 18. I'm happy that's for sure but I'm glad I was able to keep the marks hidden from Jakob. He himself is fire and his mark is a single red flame. All I know is that he isn't my mate.

I was snapped out of thought when I heard a manly laugh behind me only to realize its one of the more dominant wolves in my pack, flirting with a girl.

Suddenly my body flashed into complete awareness. All I felt was complete and utter calm and peacefulness along with a touch of anxiousness. I smelled the air to pick up a scent that I have never smelled around my pack. I walked out side my house and the feeling got stronger and stronger. I turned the corner to see the source.

My felt as if it was on fire.


My wolf was howling and panting at the heat, she could fell everything that I was feeling. it seemed to get stronger the closer I got to this source. I was wonder what the hell was going on. At first I thought this was a witch.

But now I know this is something completely different.

He was a tall tan male, with bleach blond hair, he was wearing a tight light blue t-shirt that showed off every muscle possible and tight fitting jeans. I looked up to see bright blue eyes staring back at me.

I felt everything drift away and I saw my future with him. Growing up, going to college, leading the pack, having children, seeing my grandchildren. He is my mate.

"Mate. Mine" we said in unison.

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now