Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I know I should tell him but I'm afraid....

I know he won't hurt me but I know he will be mad and won't be able to control his wolf. I can't let that happen. He will mark me without my consent.

I know that I not only have one mate now but four. And that thought scares me. I need to just mate with Brandon and get marked so I don't have to choose between them.

I don't want to make anyone mad in this situation, no one needs to be. I should just mate and get on with my life. Move out of this pack and find a new life, and have it with Brandon.

Live life with my mate.

Have pups.

Be a Luna to my new pack and try to forget about all the bad moments that have happened so far. and make new ones that I will end up learning from.

Just then a mood of complete calm and adventurous feeling came over me. This feels exactly how it was right before I met Brandon. This just feels like I want to go on an adventure. I don't even realize I have gotten up until I feel Brandon wrap his arms around my waist and pull me back down into his lap.

I snap out of my daze. And I know exactly what's happening. My wolf raises her head and begins to get anxious just like before.

The feeling started up again. my body flashed and I became very keen on whatever was making me feel the intense heat. my body went into overdrive like before but this time it didn't seem to be nearly as bad.

My body seemed to want to follow and find whatever mysterious being that was causing these odd side-affects to happen. my wolf was howling and scratching at me, trying to get me to let her outr so she could find what was going on. I didn't blame her, this was outrageous.

I wonder what it felt like when a male wolf smelt or was around its mate.

They must go insane with the need to be close and touch their mate, they must feel what I feel right now, it could possibly be a lot worse.

"Brandon please let me go. This is very important." I pleaded.

"Fine but I'm coming with you. I don't trust that Jakob won't come back after you." Brandon said in a calm voice.

We get up and begin to go out of my room when I notice the feeling is getting stronger. I look down the hall and begin to follow the feeling. Just then a sharp hard knock sounds from my front door.

I walk over to it and I see a shape of a young man. I open the door with Brandon hot on my heels.

I look up at my newest visitor. I look over his heavy muscled figure. He looks like he is about an inch or two shorter than Brandon. I look up to his face to see a pair of bright green eyes staring at me. I feel my heart speed up as I go through the same situation as with Brandon.

I see the future with him. Then of course the world disappears around us and its just us.

My wolf starts howling. I also see that his wolf is at the surface staring at me with desire. He looks like he is ready to grab me bridle style and carry me away.

"Mine. Mate." We both say.

That's when I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. That snaps me out of it. But this stranger who is mate #2 begins to get very mad.

"Brandon let me go! I will calm him down trust me!" I scream at Brandon.

"No you are mine only mine!!" He replies harshly. "Wait Eric??" He says staring at my mystery mate #2.

How did these two know each other? were they friends?

Eric held the power of an alpha as well, and usually alphas aren't friendly with each other unless they have touching territories or their families have been friends for a long time.

its got to do with the whole dominance factor, males are territorial and they don't like others males sniffing around there territory or their pack, females especially, but the odd thing is that alphas don't tend to care if its just an ordinary wolf, but alphas I guess pose as a threat.

But this gets me back to my main point.

How did they know each other?

And why were both of them looking for me?

And why where they both my mates?

And how?

The guy who is apparently Eric quickly snaps out of his wolfs trance. "Brandon?? Hey buddy what are you doing here?" He asked kindly then he saw Brandon's arms around my waist and everything just crumbled around me. "Why are your hands on my mate?!?"

"Jen!!!!" I screamed with all I had left. These guys were about to have a death match right in front of me.

The showing of alpha dominance.

It usually ends in one or both of them dead.

I had just found my mates. I wasn't going to lose them both so quickly.

She came running. She saw the situation and instantly said something and both of them dropped knocked out. But of course Brandon passed out with me still in his arms.

"Ahhhh......" I mumbled as I work my way out of his hold. "Thank you."

I look down at my two mates. Something catches my attention on Eric's arm. It's a tree. The same tree that is on my low back. Then I realize my idea is true. It's my worst nightmare.

"No problem. What are best friends for?" She said with a smirk. "Now tell me what's going on."

"I know this is going to sound crazy and I wasn't even sure I was right until about a minute ago when I just had the second mate daze today with him." I said pointing at Eric.

"Well what is it?" She asked looking very interested.

"I have four mates. One for each sign on my body...."

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now