Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The race has begun.

*Chloe's POV*

When they called for me I didn't answer because I knew that if I did I would give away my location. But when Michael howled I had to answer him. I think that he was using his royal dominance, oh well, my wolf took control, and I let her go where she knew was best.

We ran, and ran, we finally got back to where I wanted to be. I was right next to a creek, that I have played in since I was just a pup. I jumped the rocks to the other side and hide behind a bush, I could see anyone who came by but they couldn't see me.

The chase for wolves has always been viewed as the best ways for mates to find each other, and for males to be able to prove to their female that they were strong enough to deal with them and find them in the worst conditions.

It tends to be a good trust builder between mates, and shows compassion.

The chase can also be viewed as a way of playfulness, males, especially alphas love the chase, they enjoy chasing their mate through the woods, its been done for centuries, and is still done today.

-'I'm coming to get you.' Adam said in my mind. 'You can run, but you can't hide.' He sounded excited.

-'haha actually I can run and hide. You have to find me.'

-'challenge accepted!' He said right back.

I looked back out to the creek. No one in my pack knew about this place or how important it was for me. Just then another wolf howled, Michael. He had gotten my scent and he was coming. I restrained myself from answering him. I crouched low and watched. I heard Brandon's howl, not far behind Michael.

Just then Michael burst through the brush on the other side. His wolf was gorgeous. He was a pure black wolf. his eyes were pricing gray. His wolf was a lot bigger than normal, probably because he was a royal. I liked his wolf. My wolf yipped an approval in our head. And I nodded in agreement. I waited. I knew that if I run now he will just catch me. I have the element of surprise.

It was a huge thing that one, the human approves of the wolf side, because if they don't there isn't as much trust between mates, and two for the wolf to approve of her mate, because that is where the whole bond of mates begins.

If a wolf doesn't approve of their mate then its basic rejection, no matter what the humans want, rejection is the worse thing you can do to your mate.

When I was younger. I vowed to myself that no matter how ugly, cocky, or an asshole my ,mate was I would always give them a chance. Everyone deserves a chance, no matter what color your skin is, how smart you are, or if you are shy or not, all people should be viewed and treated as equals. its only fair.

-'princess, I smell you, you are very close.' Michael said in my mind.

-'come find me.' I said in a playful voice. Michael looked straight at me. Shit!!! I forgot!! When you talk in your head wolves can feel what direction it is coming from.

-'found you.' He said. He was smirking.

-'haven't caught me' I said playfully.  

-'bye' and I took off running. I knew he was going to catch me but it didn't matter.

I was tackled to the ground. I tried to fight him off. He soon had me on my back, with his mouth hooked around my throat. I whimpered into submission. I was an amazing fighter in both wolf and human form.

If a male wolf tackles its female or mate, they are trying to prove to them that they are strong and bold, but they are also trying to get you to submit to them. it can end up in a very bad place if you choose to not submit to a dominate wolf, they see it as disrespect, and in some instances they can end up in death, usually if you only do it to an alpha or beta.

The big main rule that every wolf knows and should follow is to never challenge an alpha or beta, that is unless you have a death wish. Then have at it.

Michael let go of my throat and started licking me. I licked him back. Once again wherever he touch heat and sparks spread through my body. He licked my lips and it felt like the world ended in complete bliss. We nuzzled each others necks. His scent was different. he smelled of pine and applewood smoke. I could lay there all day.

-'I knew I picked the right side' Brandon said coming through the trees.

-'wait, you were teaming?! That's not fair!' I yelled at both of them.

-'sorry princess, buts its not against the rules.' He said to me looking happy that he had outsmarted me. 'Shes all yours.' He said to Brandon.  

He jumped off me and before I even got the chance to move an inch, new sparks hit me. Brandon leaned over me.

He of course latched onto my throat. I whimpered.

-'this was not fair, but a deal is a deal, you are the winners.' I said in a somewhat saddened tone.

They both howled very loudly. I just giggled.

-'sorry Adam and Eric, they got me first.'

-'but I will get you later.' Eric said in my head obviously grinning.

I thought to my self who do I really want? Which two do I want to choose? Who's my better half? Truth is I know which two I want......


Who do you think it is??? I love you guys!!! Sorry it's short!!! I'm in spring break!!!! Next one I hope will be longer!!! Please comment, vote, fan, and follow!!!!

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