Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

But I have to choose.

And I can only choose one.

And I hate that.

I Ruin one,

And Save the other.

So which one do I choose?

And which one do I lose?

"Chloe we can get in contact with the council now if you would like?" Jen asked.

I nodded my head.

Here we go......


I felt the same feelings as before, the whirling and dizziness, then bam it was gone.

When I opened my eyes I was in the courtroom. And they were all staring down at me.

"Umm..hi.?" I said unsure.

"Hello Chloe, how are you doing? I can see that you are struggling, I don't blame you." The man in the middle said.

"Ya..." I trailed off.

"So who are you going to choose? I mean we are all waiting for you to." A lady on the left said.

"Um I'm not really sure." I told her slightly disturbed. Do they just watch me all the time? I feel like I'm being stalked.

"We are betting on who you will choose, so far Michaels winning." A different woman said. I looked at them shocked.

They were betting on my choice?!?

How dare they?!?

"You shouldn't be obsessed with me! You should be watching what's going on in the werewolf world! Not my own personal life! You should be doing your jobs!" I screamed at them.

This is outrageous.

"How dare you yell at me! Your superior!" She snapped back standing from her seat.

"I will tell you when I know something is wrong! You should take my advice and fix it!" I screamed back.

"You do not talk down to me! I could kill you in a spilt second!" She screamed walking towards me.

"You can do no such thing! If you have been watching me the way you say you are, then you would know that I have run into some power lately! And I could kill you in a second!" I screamed back at her.

I was getting pissed.

"You bitch!" She snapped.

But that was my breaking point.

I snapped.

I screamed at her.

But the next thing I knew my body was enveloped in flames.

I was on fire.

I looked at myself in shock.

She had stumbled back and was looking at me wide eyed.

But I wasn't burning.

The fire seemed to come from deep in my skin.

I was controlling it.

Everyone in the court room was staring at me in awe and with frightened looks.

I couldn't blame them.

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now