Chapter 11

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A/N: I'm blown away!! Almost 400 reads!!!! I love you guys!!!! I won't be able to post for about a week, but if I can I will but they will probably be short. Love you all!!



"I'm done with this." I said in a harsh voice. "I'm too confused. I'm going for a run."

"There is actually a problem with that....." Jen said looking particularly worried.

"What?" We all said in unison.



Chapter 11

"What is it?" I asked Jen feeling like I'm about to explode.

"See when the council gave me my full powers, they also told me something..."

"WHAT?" I screamed impatiently.

"The first time you shift after meeting them, they all have to me in wolf form, or else you can't shift, and as soon as one unshifts so do you." She said simply.

"How long does it last for?" I asked.

"Until you choose two." She said nervously looking at the ground.

"WHAT!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm screaming a lot lately.

"You have to choose two of them, but the first run you all have to be in wolf form." She said quietly.

I looked at my mates and they all looked shocked then of course Adam, Eric, and Brandon, tried to puff up and look better than each other. You have got to be kidding me! I thought to myself. Michael was still lounging against the wall looking at me with an unreadable expression. He wasn't like the rest of them. He was content with himself and didn't push it.

"Okay fine if that's how it has to be then let's make it fun." I said to all of them. "Jen can you mind link us?"

"Sure, why?"

"The first two that find me get to run with me separately. The rules are, find me in anyway you can, you cannot fight with each other, and you can talk to me but I will not be giving you any hints. So first two get a date with me. You are all alphas so you are all faster so I will get a 3 minute head start. Then you all come and find me. I can run. You have to pin me, and I have to submit. Got it?" I looked at all of them. At first they all were shocked that I came up with that. Then they all started grinning and nodded. "Good, Jen lets do it now."


15 minutes later we were mind linked and I was ready.

"Boys in the basement, and shift then tell me when your done and I will shift and run into the woods, three minutes later Jen will tell you to come out, then come find me. None of you know what my wolf looks like so it will be harder." I said easier. "Also no unshifting. If you do and I unshift, you are disqualified. Understand?" They all nodded.

They all went down to the basement and I looked at Jen. I walked over and hugged her. "I'm sorry I snapped earlier. It just was so overwhelming."

"It's okay, and I should tell you that since your all mates the mind link will last longer."

"How long?" I asked nervously.

"A few days, then it's only with the ones you have most connected to."

"Oh okay." I said relieved.

"I know who you will probably end up choosing and they are both good, but be careful with," she mouthed 'the prince' "he has a history." She said simply and I nodded.

-'hello love, we are all done' Michael said through the mind link to me sweetly.

"Here we go" I said to Jen.

-'good luck, may the best win', I said to all of them.

I walked out to the woods. I striped off all my clothes and put them behind a tree, then I shifted. My wolf yipped happily glad to be out. My wolf was very different. She was a tricolored wolf. My hair was white with a slight blue tint from the sliver at the very ends, I had black on the tip of my tail, my paws, and right above my eyes, and ears. I had brown right above the black everywhere. Many called my stunning. I liked my wolf.

And then I ran. My wolf was excited her mates were coming after her but she knew exactly where to go.

*Brandon's POV*

I wanted her so bad. I needed her. I had to hold my wolf back from going and claimed what was his. My wolf was straight sliver. He was handsome.

I knew what I had to do and I was going to had to hold my pride and do it.


He looked at me. Then I felt him blocking off Adam and Eric who were in deep conversation.

-'yes Brandon.'

-'would you like to work together, I know you want her as bad as I do, and you will do anything to get her, so team?'

He was hesitant, and looked me over. I knew I was going to need him.

-'fine. Might as well. But rule I get her first.'

-'fine.' I said trying to hide my anger. She was mine! No one else's!

"Okay boys, go find your mate, don't you dare cheat, GO! Jen said and we were gone. We ran out to the woods. Eric, Adam and I all howled, there was no response, that up set me and our wolf, that our mate didn't answer our call.

Michael howled, it was loud and powerful, then she howled back at him, Michael and I dashed off. He was faster than me. It made me mad that she answered him, but there's nothing I can do. We will find her and claim her as ours, my wolf said. Don't claim her just make her submit to us she would never forgive us for marking her unwillingly. I got back in the zone to only see Michael was gone. I lifted my head and smelled him, and we were off......

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now