Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


*Michael's POV*

I just couldn't take it anymore neither could my wolf. I had to be with her. I walked up to her bedroom door and opened it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

All she said was "no" I went to the other side of the bed and laid down. I didn't expect her to snuggle into me but she did, at that I pulled my arms around her and let her relax into me. I heard her breathing slow and deepen. She had fallen asleep in my arms. It felt so good and right. I let myself fall into a deep wonderful sleep in my mates arms. This is how i wanted it to be for the rest of my life.

Completely perfect.............


*Michael's POV*

I woke up with my mate in my arms. Everything was perfect. I could tell that she was tired. She continued to sleep on my chest. My wolf was happy, and so was I. He was sighing happily. Our mate was so close to us.

-'she is happy and safe' he said to my in my head.

-'yes, she will be ours, she is so beautiful.' I said back.

-'her wolf is gorgeous, and very playful, she will be great to run with, and to play with.' He said in a happy voice.

-'yes, I want to kiss her, her lips are so perfect, they look soft.' I said more to myself but he heard.

-'I want to mount her.' He said shortly, grinning no doubt.

-'oh shut up! You have to wait! At least until she goes into heat, then we can have a lot of fun.' I said cockily.

-'yes!' He yipped at my suggestion.

Just then she began to stir. I ran my fingers lightly through her hair. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back. She was so cute in the morning. With her bed head and all.

"Good morning." She said quietly. I smiled.

"Good morning" I couldn't hold back any longer. I needed to kiss her. I leaned down and lightly put my lips on hers, she responded a second later. She was kissing me back. I was so happy. I kissed her harder, she did the same. I pulled her completely on top of me and kissed her with so much passion. She kissed me with the same intensity. I was in love with this girl. She made my heart speed up whenever she was around, her body fit perfectly into mine, and most of all, she was amazingly perfect.

I pulled away, we had to have air after all. I looked into her eyes, I saw happiness, passion, lust, and I think I saw love. I put a quick peck on her lips, she smiled at me again. God her smile was brighter than anything I had ever seen. I smiled back.

"How are you doing this morning?" I asked and that simple question ruined it all. Suddenly her smile faded, her eyes grew sad, and pained, she looked like she was about to cry again. "Shhh, it's okay." I said into her head. "He isn't worth it he just hurt you, that's all he was ever going to do." I said to her quietly.

"Did I do something?" She sobbed into my chest.

"No, no, no! You are perfect, it was just his stupid choice." She continued to sob. "You are perfect, you understand?!? Perfect!" I said to her.

"You really think that?" She asked looking up, her eyes were puffy and her cheeks her tear stained. I use my thumb to whip her cheeks.

"Always, and Forever" was all I said. I captured her lips with my own.

A few minutes later I pulled back and looked at her, she was happy again, I smiled and kissed her.

"Do you want to go for a run?" She asked me. This kind of surprised me. But it would be nice to let my wolf be with his mate for a little while.

"Yes, I would love to, my wolf is yipping he wants to be near your wolf."

She giggled. "Great lets take some clothes out there and run, my wolf is acting the same way, since the mind link is still intact we can talk freely." She said smiling. My wolf perked up when he heard her say that her wolf wanted him. He then continued to yip happily.

We grabbed some clothes, well she grabbed clothes and I grabbed a pair if shorts. We walked out of her room then it all came crashing down.

Brandon and Eric stood there looking very pissed at me. "Where do you think your going?" Eric asked with hatred in his voice.

"We are going for a run, back off. You are just mad at Michael because he was with me all night, and you weren't smart enough to come in yourself." She stated angrily. I was taken aback by her tone to her other mate, and she was so strong. She is amazing!

"Whoa calm down."

"Oh shut up! I want you gone!" She screamed at him. Brandon came trotting in the room a saw the situation and stayed silent, good choice.

"Sorry you can't get rid of me." He said strongly. He was challenging her, I wanted to see how she would take this.

"Oh to hell I can!" She screamed. "I Chloe Jayden reject you Eric!" She screamed.

WHOOOOOOAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Did she just do that? She just did that! I was about to smile but I knew it wasn't a good time so I kept to myself. I saw Brandon biting back a smile. I was stunned at her action but also very pleased. She was amazing.

"Come on Michael!" She almost screamed. Usually I would scold we for ordering me around but as I can see now wouldn't be a good time, or really, anytime she is mad. She is very feisty I love it. I followed her outside to the trees. We shifted, then we began to run!.........


A/N: don't hate me. But come on you had to know it was gonna be Brandon or Michael, just bc of her birthday and her signs! Anyway.....I'm not getting any comments. It really making me sad. I want to know if its good or bad! Please tell me! I really would like to know! Please if you dislike it tell me what I can do to make it better!!

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