Chapter 7

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A/N: hey guys made this extra long!!! Anyway this chapter should help clear somethings up as to why Chloe is special. But not completely give away the story. Anyway please vote, fan, comment and enjoy!!! Love you all!!  


Chapter 7

Here we go I thought to myself, I had to admit I was slightly nerivous at what was going to happen when we contacted the spirits of nature. I should explain that the spirits of nature are the dead elder witches, who watch over the world and nature.

I have never seen an actual conjure of the council. I heard that they punish in a horrid manner if you break the laws of nature.

Basically in the wolf world that was killing your own mate, but I could never harm anyone of my mates even though I had only met two out of the four. Killing your own alpha, unless it is a formal challenge, which I again I don't see the point, although I have been tempted to stab Jakob a few times. And lastly disrespect or refuse to follow a direct order from the royal family. I haven't met or plan on meeting the royals anytime soon.

I was dragged out of my thoughts by Jen waving her hand in front of my face. "Okay there, Chloe?" She asked with a slight worried look.

"Ya I'm fine. Just slightly nervous I guess I mean I never thought I would have to talk to the council, especially over something I have no control over." I replied simply.

"This happened for a reason. They can't punish you, or harm you in anyway. You didn't do anything." Jen replied confidently.

"Thanks Jen. I never thought about being tortured and put through agony I was worried just about meeting them!" I replied sternly.

"Oh......anyway lets get started." Jen said slightly apologetically.

We had placed the candles evenly around the room. All lit. Then we placed a big circle on my floor with the four colors, red for fire, green for earth, white for air, and blue for water, each placed in the direction of north, south, east, and west.

"Give me your hands and leave the rest to me." Jen said in a ready tone.

I sighed and did as she told me. She closed her eyes and started mumbling in some other language. I closed my eyes as well. Then it all just happened.

One minute we were sitting on my bedroom floor next we were in a room surrounded by 12 elder spirit witches. We both bowed to show our complete respect for them.

Then the man directly in the middle spoke up. "Chloe Katerina Jayden, please step forward." He said in a booming voice that showed no emotion.

I did as he said and got up and walked forward a few steps. I gulped. I'm not one to be intimated much but you could just feel the power that swarmed around them. It sizzled in the air putting my wolf a slight uneasy at being in an unfamiliar place surrounded by pure power.

"It has come to our attention that you would like to understand why you are the only one of your kind that holds four mates and four symbols to go with them." He explained as if he knew what was going on and I was just waisting his sweet time.

I nodded and he continued. "You my dear, were born at a very special time. When the water and the fire come together in unison. You hold both within you and your power is outstanding. You hold both within you and they both are very strong."

I had no idea at all what he was talking about. I had power? What the hell? Was I witch? "No you are not a witch." He said clearly reading my thoughts. I gulped again.

"You are the ruler of water and fire wolves." I just gapped at him mouth wide open and all. I can't be a ruler that would inquire I was immortal and one of the most powerful being on this earth.....or wherever I was now...... "Yes you are." He said once again reading my thoughts. That brought me out of it. I turned my face into a scowl which earned me a hearty laugh from him and few of the other council members.

"You are very powerful, but there is a problem. You were destined to have one mate at your side not four. You cannot have more than one mate. You have only met two out of the four possible suitors. You will find that only two of them are really meant to be though." He spoke in a nonchalant tone.

This time I spoke. "So you are telling me that I have to run wolves that are apart of fire and water? And that I have to choose between four amazing men and only one is my mate? What about the other three they all need mates! It's not fair I get four and three of them are going to leave empty handed and live completely alone?" I demanded astonished.

"The three you do not choose will have a second chance mate, which I know you are familiar with." I nodded and he continued. "You can role both sides of fire and water but your mate will help."

" I have to pick now?" I asked hoping it was no.

"No not yet" I breathed a sigh of relief. "But in a months time." I looked up and once again gaped at him.

"We can tell you though that there is something that you should know." I turned to look at a lady who was surprisingly young but eyes showed deep wisdom and age. I respected her completely. "Once you have made your choice you will have to mate with him completely then choose which side you want to rule." She said sweetly. Once again I gulped.

I can't mate with someone in a month!! Even if we were true mates I need more time!!

"No you don't trust me." They all said in unison. I just let out a mix between a hmpm sound and growl. I hate it when people can read my mind.

"Chloe please step down" the man said emotionless. I did as I was told. "Jennifer Louise Patton come forward" Jen got up and did as she was told. I could tell by her body language she was slightly nervous.

"You have shone amazing potential and great choice of actions with your powers over the last five years. We have decided that because of this we will grant you your full powers now instead of having you wait another seven years." Jen just gapped, she was worse at surprises than me.

"I take that as a yes?" Jen just nodded still mouth wide open. From what Jen had told me witches acquire there powers around the age of 13, but don't get the real powerful magic until they turn 25. Apparently when you get your full power is when your really become a witch. I just smiled. I was happy my best friend got what she earned.

I watched in amazement as bright lights of all colors wound around Jen and picked her up off the ground and spun her around then went into her body and she slowly drifted back down to the ground. "Thank you." She said with more happiness then I have ever seen before.

"Your welcome, now go home and Chloe your other mates will be arriving soon just a warning." We bowed and next thing I knew we were sitting back in my room.

"That was interesting." Jen and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and broke out laughing. I needed that.

"I'm going to go wake up the boys......."

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now