Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"I Adam Phillips reject you Chloe Jayden." I stood shocked. Then everything hurt, my body felt like it was being ripped apart. I feel to the floor and began to cry, Adam just walked out of my house.

I continued to cry, Michael and Brandon came over to comfort me, which I was happy for, but it still hurt, like a part of me was missing, I liked Adam, a lot actually. My wolf was in complete dispair at losing her mate.

When you lose your mate, it feels like you lost yourself that you aren't complete, when they reject you it's a thousand times worse, it feels like you are being ripped in two, your souls are connected and by rejecting it you are losing part of your soul, that's why they call it soul mates.

After an hour of crying and shaking I calmed down. Adam finally had pulled away from our mind link. I just sat there in sadness.

What had just happened??.......


*Michael's POV*

We had been running. I was very happy that I had gotten to her first. The only reason I agreed to be with Brandon is because in the end I know it will be between him and I for her to choose. I hope it will be me, I need it to be me. I feel in love with her the second I saw her. It was like the world stopped just for me and her. I was already in love with her.

After her Brandon and I ran for a while I noticed she stopped. I knew that look on her wolfs face. They were talking. That look on her though was the cutest thing I had ever seen.....whoaaa I'm whipped. I was usually the badass and the all powerful. But one girl brought out the teddy bear in me. I smirked at that thought. I will have her.

When she stopped I decided that it was a good idea for me and Brandon to have a talk. Brandon was strong and he had the second biggest pack, next to mine, the royal pack. He was also a good alpha but then again all he was now was another person in my way from claiming my mate, my wolf and I hated that. He growled at me.

-'just claim mate now, worry later'

-'when did you become so horny?' I asked with a smirk.

-'we both know you feel the same way, you get hard almost every time she touch you.' He retorted.

-'true....but we will do it when she is willing, it will be 1000 times better.'

-'willing my ass,' he snapped back.

-'I'm in control here, I'm your alpha and you need to calm down.' I said to my wolf on a demanding voice.

-'whatever' he huffed.

When I sensed that he was done I looked over at Brandon.

-'we need to talk about eliminate the others, close off your connection to her.' I said to him. He nodded.

We trotted until we came to a clearing. It was quite a ways away.

-'we need them gone, then it will be the survival of the fittest between us, it's the only way.' He said to me.

-'I agree but we ant push her, she will hate us,' I answered back.

-'ya I know but we need to do it soon. She will get attached and we can't have that, which of the two do you think is weaker?' He asked.

-'Adam, he is too childish, and acts like he is a spoiled 10 year old.' I answered quickly. Truth is I never liked Adam he always got what he wanted. I know what you are thinking, you are royalty, royalty my ass, I had to work for everything I got, ya I'm not a snob like most rich kids.

-'okay then I think we should make him reject her or -' he was cut off by Chloe coming through the trees. I have to say Chloe's wolf is the oddest yeti at beautiful wolf I have ever seen. And no I'm not saying that because she is my mate I'm saying it because its true. Her tricolored wolf, had black tips on her ears, tail, snout, and paws. My wolf was happy she had some coloring that was like his. He yipped in happiness. I just grinned. This girl was amazing.

-'what are you talking about?' She asked cheerfully.

-'what we want to do for the dates' Brandon answered quickly. I was amazed at how well he could cover things up, better watch out for that later.

-oh..' She was totally blushing. I liked that. I gave her a wolfy grin.

-'we're gonna get you' Adam said coming into the clearing. I could hear her giggling. My wolf was agitated, she was ours no one else's, he growled in my head.

I looked at Brandon. He nodded then our plan was in motion. I pushed Chloe under me. She growled and whimpered, she got out from under me. I growled and jumped back on top of her. That caused everyone to growl. I leaned into her more. She purred....wait she purred, my wolf grunted in approval. I was also happy that she responded so well. Brandon told them to block her off. Once she realized this she started to get mad. Then she called us dumbasses. I just stared my mate got pissed off easily. Duly noted.

-'Adam and Eric you both will leave her.' I said simply they both growled at me.

-'oh shut up, Adam you are going to reject her after we shift back understand?.' Brandon said in a mean harsh tone. Adam growled.

-'no' he growled out.

The next thing I did I knew was wrong, but she was mine and only mine.

-'I as prince order you to reject her as your mate, after we shift.' That caused both Eric and Adam to step back away from me.

-no, no, you can't do that!' He screamed through the mind link.

-'well I just did', I retorted back.

Then I leaned further down in Chloe and it caused her to purr louder I was happy with myself. I got off of her and I got on one side and he got on the other. I rubbed up against her a lot. My wolf enjoyed that.

We got back to the house, shifted and waited in the living room.

She came out and it happened.

"I Adam Phillips reject you Chloe Jayden." Then I watched as she stared then fell to the ground crying I went over to her and comforted her. I didn't want my mate in pain but it had to be done to be with her. Adam left. His finally words.

-'I will get you back for this.' He sent just to me. I knew he would try to kill me for taking his mate away but it had to be done.

She quieted down after about an hour. She went to bed. We all just sat in silence, or at least I did. Eric and Brandon were talking about football and other crap I could care less about.

*Chloe's POV*

I didn't sleep. My head hurt from crying, and my wolf was hurting from being rejected. I didn't feel right to sleep. Then my bedroom door opened. It was Michael.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"No" was all I was able to croak out. He came over and laid down next to me. It felt right to be near him. I snuggled into him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I laid my head on his chest. It took a little while but I fell lasers to the sound of his heart. It was peaceful and jut felt right.....

*Michael's POV*

I just couldn't take it anymore neither could my wolf. I had to be with her. I walked up to her bedroom door and opened it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

All she said was "no" I went to the other side of the bed and laid down. I didn't expect her to snuggle into me but she did, at that I pulled my arms around her and let her relax into me. I heard her breathing slow and deepen. She had fallen asleep in my arms. It felt so good and right. I let myself fall into a deep wonderful sleep in my mates arms. This is how i wanted it to be for the rest of my life.

Completely perfect.............


A/N: hey guys hope this cleared things up slightly. Anyway love you guys! Please comment, vote, fan, and follow!!

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