Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*Brandon's POV*

I can't believe that just happened! I mean wow! I can't believe she just did that. Well that saves me trouble! She rejected him. That was funny to watch. she is one little spit fire! I mean look at the way she did that so fearlessly.

She doesn't like being challenged and when she is, she puts the person in their place, she will be a great alpha female. She will put pack me members in their rightful place!

I watched as she and Michael left. My wolf was growling at him. He not only got her last night but this morning too. I was about to go to her when I felt her being so unsettled but he beat me to it. She had willingly let him sleep in the same bed as her. At that thought my wolf growled. I was smart. The only reason I teamed up with Michael is to use him to get to her and then take her as mine.

I didn't like the fact that they were spending so much time together, but to avoid conflict I decided that I was going to let them hang out. After all I get a date with her. I wanted to kiss her so bad, and mark her as mine. I of course saw her first. I wish 'finders keepers' was available in this situation.

I watched as Eric fell to the floor clutching his chest. I heard it hurts worse then hell to get rejected by your mate. I wondered how bad it hurt Chloe when Adam rejected her? I didn't like seeing her hurt, in fact I hated it. My wolf only wanted to go to her and help her through this pain.

He was crying. Huh I haven't seen a grown man cry in a while. "Why" he whispered out in a voice that was pure hurt and pain.

"I truly don't know" I answered back. I really didn't know. But I sure was happy about it. One less person in my way, to the best prize in the world. I left the living room and walked into one of the guest rooms. I decided to change my clothes, and take a shower,

I walked into her bathroom and her scent was everywhere. I just stood their and took in the lavender and peppermint. I would but those two together but god she made it smell like heaven.

I undressed and stepped into her shower. She had a ton of stuff. I mean a TON! She had three different kinds of shampoo along with matching conditioner. She had eight different kinds of body washes. And four different bars of soap. I was amazed at what my girl used.

I used the stuff I grabbed out of my own bathroom before I had left and washed myself. I steeped out if the shower and used the towel I got out of the closet and dried myself off and hung the towel low on my waist. I began to walk out to the kitchen to get a class of water. The front door opened right as I was in front of it. Michael and Chloe came in laughing about something.

Chloe turned around and smiled at me and I smiled back. Then her smile faded as she took in my appearance. She traveled down my face to my chest. Then the stared at my abs and then her gaze traveled lower. She stared there for a long time then finally snapped out of it and her cheeks turned into a deep shade of crimson. My wolf purred. He liked that our mate was attracted to us.

She was stand there looking like a cherry. She didn't know what to do so I did.

"How was your run I asked them"

"Great" they said at the same time and looked at each other and laughed. My wolf was agitated by this though.

"Chloe I was wondering if we could have our date tonight?" I asked in a strong voice. Michael lightly growled. I was happy by his reaction.

"That would be great" she said

"Great" I said.

*Chloe's POV*

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now