Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Brandon stopped hitting him and rushed, over to me, where Michael was already checking for injuries. I tried to stop them but they continued. When they finally stopped i ran over to where River was proped up against the wall. i looked at his face his black eye already healing.

"Well, umm...hey" i say in a somewhat shy manner. i mean he just got punched ten times.

"hey yourself" he says in a moncking tone, i laugh and help him up. "well since its been a while" i look at him confused, then he made a huge mistake, he kissed me, full on the lips, i was too shocked to pull away.

I was ripped away from him by a growling Brandon and Michael.

"What the hell" he sreeched at Brandon and Michael.

"you kissed my mate" they growl at the same time.

"which one of you is really her mate?" he asks

"they both are", I say answering him. "I had four actually...." i trail off.

"wait does this have to do with your signs that you have?" he asks. he is one of the only few people who know about my marks, I told him right after i got them. we were both disappionted when we found out we werent mates.

"yeah think i should fill you in on what has happened in the last few days"


That was it. I told him. I told River everything.

There were many facial expressions that covered his face as I told him about meeting each one of them. Then the one that it finally settled on was emotionless. And that scared me. I wanted to know what he was thinking.

He was always good at hiding his emotions but this had me scared. River sat there dazed as he stared off into space deep in thought.

I wanted to say something I just didn't know what to say. I was also wondering why he was back here, he wasn't due back for another two months.

I just stared at him as the wheels turned in his head. Then he came out of his daze and looked straight at me. His eyes held me in place. I don't know why but complete and utter fear washed over me. I was scared. I was scared at what he was thinking, or what he was going to do.

We sat there for what felt like an eternity. He just stared down into my eyes. He looked as if he was reading my soul. His eyes held no emotion, and that scared me. He never looked at me this way, no matter how mad he got at me, I never got this look from him.

River finally moved his gaze away, but then sadness, and hurt crossed over his features. It was only there for a second, but that was all it took for me to catch it. He was sad, and I hated it when he was sad. It broke my heart.


1 year ago

"Guess who" a smiling River said as he covered Chloe's eyes with his hands. She just began to giggle.

"Um Superman?" She giggled out.

"Nope" River replied.

"Um Alpha?"

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now