Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"YES!!!" I exclaimed.

My name is Chloe. I have what many would consider to be a good life.

Wealthy family, good grades, got into my dream college, and an amazing pack, along with being the alphas up coming mate.

But that last part might not be my favorite.

Sure you could say I'm different. I would say so too, that was until this summer hit me. I was was different.

I look a bit different from the average 18 year-old girl. I might have some different features from what you would see on the street.

It might have something to do with me being a werewolf.

The optimum of beauty and health.

Not to be a narcissist, but this is what we are.

Built strong and mighty. We are the warriors of the earth, or as many call us, protectors of nature.

We are all built in the best conditions, it's in our genes.

Everyone of course looks different, like myself.

I am tall, toned, and have golden hair.

But my most odd feature has to be my eyes.

I have a rare genetic disorder that causes my eyes to change colors in the presence of natural light.

My eyes go between gray and green.

Green in sunlight.

Gray in darkness.

"I can't believe I got into JVU with you!!!!" Jen screamed.

Jen is my best friend; she has been there for me through anything and everything. I think what drew us together wasn't just our bubbly personalities but that she is supernatural too.

Jen's a witch.

She and I got along so well together people use to call us Bonnie and Clyde. Because we also set up a few pranks every now and again.

"I knew you could do it! Especially after all that studying we put in." I said cheerfully.

"It was hardly studying, more like talking about spells and the pack, with a biology book in front of us." Jen retorted.

"Well it counts nonetheless!" I countered laughing.

"How much longer until the party starts?" Jen asked

"Half an hour. Jakob is coming to make sure the drunk boys keep their paws off." I sighed.

He really was annoying about that.

"He is to protective, if you ask me. He isn't even your true mate for Gods' sake!" Jen exclaimed.

"He's a werewolf, let alone an Alpha. What he says goes, no ifs, ands, or buts." I said.

Always has been that way and will never change.

It's an Alpha thing.

"Well at least he let you have this party tonight!" Jen answered.

"Ya. We are finally going to be able to dance and have carefree fun! We have been so worried about exams and test we have had no time or room for fun!" I exclaimed.

Jen and I got the rest of the house ready. That included blocking off ways to the bedrooms.

I think you know why.

Human parties were crazy.

Werewolf parties on the other hand...


The first knock on the door sounded.

The party was about to start!

But little did I know that after tonight my life would change forever...


Hey guys!

Sorry I added this so late. I never fixed the chapter problem so here it is!

Yes I changed the name.

Sorry I had to.

Anyway what did you think??






And Keep on Reading!



The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now