Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

A/N thanks for the 3,000 reads!!! I died you guys are amazing!' Love you all!


"Okay let's go." He said smiling at me.

"Your crazy!" I exclaimed as I looked over the edge. It was a 50 ft drop at least.

"Here I'll go first." And with that he jumped. I watched as he floated through the air and hit the water gracefully in a swan dive.

"Your crazy." I repeated screaming, when I saw his head pop up soon after.

"Come on just go, it's fun." He exclaimed.

"Okay." I screamed down.

I took a really deep breath.

Then I jumped.


The air sped past me as I flew through the air. My body was pumping with adrenalin. But the truth is I felt alive. No matter how crazy this was I felt good.

Michael made me feel good.

This feeling made me want to do it over and over again.

I felt free.

Michael made me feel free. Not caged.

I felt the amazing adventure.

Michael made me want and feel adventure.

Michael did all this to me.

And I loved it.

I picked up speed until I felt the water around me. It soaked into me like a second skin. It felt good.

I was down deep. And I loved that feeling. My body felt like it was apart of the watery depth. My body belonged to this.

I slowly resurfaced and you know that moment that you feel utter and completely free right before you break the surface. Yeah that's what I was feeling.

I broke the surface and was smiling. That was one of the best feelings I have had in a long time.

I looked around trying to find Michael. He was t anywhere to be seen.

"Michael?" I yelled out. There was no answer. I started to get worried what if he drowned?

"Mich-" I was calling his name when I was suddenly pulled under.

I tried to scream under the water but barely any sound came out. Then I couldn't see anything because one: it was dark, and two: you can't just see clearly underwater without goggles on, and three whatever had grabbed me now had me around the waist.

But I knew I could probably beat him breath wise because I was a swimmer, but then the tingles set in. Michael had grabbed me. I wanted to scream out in glee.

Then we resurfaced. I turned around in his arms to look at him. When I did I found him grinning, I scowled at his happy face.

He just laughed his deep laugh that sent shivers down my spine in delight. His voice. His laugh. His smile. Those things all drove me and my wolf crazy.

He stopped laughing but was still smiling. Then he looked at my lips and my heart began to speed up. He was going to kiss me!

I slowly leaned in and he did the same. We were so close...


I jumped back and he did the same. Then I tired to locate the sound only to have another make its presence known.

The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now