Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


"Chloe I was wondering if we could have our date tonight?" He asked. Michael lightly growled.

"That would be great" I said back.

Im going on a date, with him yaaahh!!


It was getting into late afternoon. It was time to get ready for my date with Brandon. I felt nervous and I don know why. The only person I have ever been on a date with was Jakob but that really didn't count, because I had no choice in the matter.

I decided that I should take a shower. I walked into my bathroom and undressed. I stepped into the shower and then I smelt it. Brandon. He had used my shower? I mean come on we had 3 other bathrooms. Even one connected into his room. But I wasn't mad. I actually enjoyed his scent. It calmed me. And he had the same effect.

When ever mates are around each others scents, they are usually very calm. They don't have to be near each other, but just an article of clothing will do the trick, mates memorize each other so they can know when they are near, and ultimately that's how you find and identify your mate.

The power of the smell of each other is enough to send each other into overdrive. Some females will go into heat after smelling their mate, its just the hormones reaction to the smell of your mate. People can be driven insane by their mates scent during heat. It has to be stopped sometimes because it drives the male insane if they are away from their mate while they are in heat.

The only other thing that I can compare to being that calm is when I'm near or in the ocean. My body and wolf go into a complete calm. It's so blissful. We let go of everything. That's how I feel when I'm with Brandon. Calm. I feel safe.

I got out after my shower. Then I realized I didn't even know where we were going.

-'ha..umm....Brandon where exactly are we going.' I asked in an unsure voice.

-'it's a surprise I'm not telling.' He answered back obviously smirking.  

-'but I don't know what to wear!' I answered back. Pouting slightly.

-'oh wear dressy clothes and bring a pair of casual clothes.' He answered back.

-'please tell me what we are doing!!' I said in a slightly childish voice.

-'nope' he said popping out the 'P'.

-'aggghh fine!' I said back and closed off the link.

I went into my closest and looked at the elaborate dresses. Since it was summer time I decided to go with a nice dressy sundress. It had pink, orange, white, cream, and a little turquoise that went in diagonal lines, and arched. It was cute. It came up just above the knee. It was flow-like on the top and cut low. And was loose after the waist. I love that dress. I wore white flats, and put on a white light jacket. I put on very little make up. Just some silvery-gray eyeshadow to bring out my blue eyes.

I looked at the time and realized I had about 5 mins. I put on some light pink lip stick and walked out of my room. I walked into the living room and saw Brandon sitting there looking a little nervous deep in thought. I walked up behind him.

-'BOO!' I screamed out loud and in his head while pushing on his shoulders. He jumped a mile high. I laughed so hard I thought i might cry so I tried to get a hold of my self. Once I stopped the major laughing and looked up at Brandon and lost it again.

"Your....Face....Was....So....Perfect. I said in between laughs. When I finally got control I looked up at Brandon he was smiling. "What?" I asked him.

"Your so beautiful, and your laugh is so angelic" I blushed and looked down. No one has ever said anything like that to me before. "Now your even cuter." He said putting a finger under my chin and lifting it up. I blushed harder. He just grinned.

"So where are we going?" I asked in a hopeful voice. I really wanted to know where we were going.

"Nope not telling. Nice try though" he said and I huffed. "Now I'm going to need you to put on this," he said holding a blind fold. I looked at him like he had grown another head. "It's all a surprise. Please for me?" He said turning on that gorgeous smile that I knew I couldn't resist.

I nodded, and his smile grew bigger, which I didn't know was possible. I turned around and he reached over and put it on. His head brushed across my temple, sending cool sparks through my body. Those made me calm and relax. I knew I could trust him. He was showing me. And when we touched it was different from when Michael and I touched.

With him it was fiery sparks that made my body come alive and it made me feel unpredictable. It consumed me in fun danger feeling. I liked it. With Brandon it was the complete opposite. His touched calmed me even when I was out of control. It soothed the deepest doubts and relaxed my body. They felt like they were helping cleanse my soul.

Brandon lead me out to the car. We drove for at least 45 mins. And then we stopped. Brandon helped me out of the car and we started to walk. It was odd on how much I truly trusted Brandon. He made me feel safe even when I was scared for myself and everyone around me. Then we stopped. He slowly reached up and pulled off my blind fold.

"Whoa........" Was the first word out of my mouth.


Well?? I know it's a little shorter. The next chapter I hope will be longer and it will be about their date.

Which team are you?









And keep reading.

Love you guys :) <3

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