Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


"Let's walk back to the house." I said and we turned around.

As we walked back to the house I thought about what was going to be my future after I choose. And truth is. It scared the shit out if me. Excuse my French. But I mean come on! I'm gonna be a freaking goddess that has no idea what the hell I'm doing.

We began to reach the house then it all clicked.

Who was I going to choose?

We walked back to the house, I opened the door to sight that I never thought I see...


Well I bet you are all wondering what I'm talking about, well I'm quite surprised my self. These people aren't suppose to be here.

The scene in front of me is something that you would see in a comedy movie. Let me explain exactly what's happening....

My mother is hitting Brandon repeatedly over the head with an umbrella, while he is trying so hard to not scream at her what must have been going on before they got here. And that's not even the funny part. The funny part is that my dad and river are standing a few feet away from them having a causal conversation.


I mean seriously.

"What the hell is going on here?!?" I scream. Then everyone freezes.

"Chloe language!" My father says sternly, but I could see the slight smile forming on his lips.

"Mom why are you hiring my mate," there were three growls around the room, "repeatedly on the head?" I ask not even slightly amused.

I look over to see Brandon giving me a grateful smile. I smiled back, happy to see he was okay.

"Oh!" My mother squealed in surprise.

"Yeah oh.." I repeated dryly.

"Well you have a lovely mate." She said trying to regain herself.

I snickered at her lame attempt to get out of beating my mate. That is just sad, but that's my mother for you.

I walked over to Brandon and he welcomed me with open arms. It is what I needed, now and forever. It was the calm and the sweetness that he brought that I relished in. But I knew that the cough that rang through the room was meant to break my moment. I sighed and slightly pulled away but he still had contact with me that I needed, and I was grateful for.

I looked over to my dad to see him smiling at me.

"Hi Daddy." I said softly, smiling to myself.

"Hi Princess, I see you've met your mate, that's Brandon. But who is the man you walked in with."

I gulped I was worried what my dad might think of me, that I have four mates I mean. See I'm daddy's little girl, I have always been and always will be a daddy's girl. I'm a princess to him and he treats me the same.

"See there should be an 's' at the end of mate. I actually have four, because of my marks I had four but now I'm down to two. Brandon," I said gesturing with my head behind me, " and Michael." I said pointing a finger at Michael.

My dad looked a little taken aback but them it looked like he was working it all out in his head. See that could be a good thing or a bad thing. Usually it's a good thing, but every once in a while he would come up with some crazy idea to the story. Then he looked at me and smiled.

"Does this have to do with your marks?" He asked smartly.

I nodded my head then stopped in mid-nod. "How do you know about my marks? I never showed you or mom..." I trailed off.

"I saw them the day of your birthday two years ago, when you got really drunk here and we had come home to you shirtless and drunk off your ass. I mean butt, and I saw all four of them." He answered, I almost laughed at the slip up, but then I realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Oh..." Was my intelligent response. "Why didn't you ask?"

"Because I was hoping they were just tattoos, but when I saw the signs of the nearest elemental Alphas, I was worried so I kept my mouth shut." He said honestly, and I can't blame him for it either. "But it's too late now.." I heard him mutter, but I heard it and so did both my mates, which made them growl lightly at my father.

After about an hour of trying to catch up with my parents, and tell them what has happened in the past week. I came around to the begging when we walked in the door.

"So what was the scene when we came in, like why was my mom totally beating Brandon to a pulp with an umbrella?" I snickered at the end of it, and Brandon shot me a playful glare, and I grinned back at him.

"Pulp haha ya." Brandon said under his breath but I was the only one to he's him so I elbowed him in the stomach and he grunted in pain as a response.

"Oh well when we walked through the door I saw River and Brandon here, heavily arguing about something and I decided that I should intervene and take care of the problem so I decided that it was a good idea to distract him." My mother answered.

"Oh I see and who started the argument?" I asked slightly amused.

"River." Brandon grumbled. But river didn't respond so that means he did. Well it's time to take this into my own hands.

I jumped up tackled River off the couch and started to hit him. We were rolling around the floor and jokingly hitting each other, we always do this and make it look real it was funny.

I then suddenly felt a big arm around my waist lifting me off of River.

"Let him keep some pride." Michael chuckled, and huffed he ruined our fun. :(

When Michael let me go I decided I wanted to go for a walk and I needed it personally, I really just needed to relax and think about the near future. I dismissed my self and went into my room. My Mediterranean Sea blue room had always brought me comfort when I really needed it. I always felt safe within its walls.

I called Jens cell and she told me she would be over in a second. And she was kidding she was here in literally a second. Her magic is so far elaborated that she feels indestructible, and appear toy had the urge to teleport when she felt like it...okay...

We walked out of the front door after about ten minutes of coaxing my mates that I would be safe with Jen for a half an hour and that she had magic to protect us. So I was all good. They finally let us go and we walked out.

We began to walk in the woods.

"So the end of the week is coming up. Jakob wants them gone and you here, how is that going to end?" Jen finally asked as we had walked for about five minutes.

"I truly don't know, I first, have to choose who I want to be with, and I am really confused at who to choose." I said sighing.

"I see," Jen said nodding. "I talked to the council again. They told me that once you choose your mate you will begin to develop powers akin to one of a witch. But they will only be able to be for the element that you choose."

I nodded my head understanding what I would have to do. This is going to be the hardest choice if my life, and I knew i had to make it.

We then walked and talked about lighter subjects, then Jen told me some interesting information.

"I learned to tell the future through hand reading." Jen said grinning, I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm.

"Let me try you." She begged. I sighed and handed my hand over she grinned at me before diving into my palm.

When as looked up, I was kind of freaked out, she looked in a trance almost possessed.

"You will choose the one you love most." Her voice came out, that perked my interest. I wanted to ask who- "I am not allowed to tell you who, because that effects the balance of nature, and fate, but he calls deep inside of you, to a place not well known by yourself, he calms that side, tames it, controls it, and by that controls you. He loves you with his every soul, but he isn't like others he's more-" she was broken off by a twig snapping. She broke out of whatever trance she was in and whipped her head to the side to where the sound came from, I did the same.

There he was.


He had shorts on meaning that he had just shifted. I wonder if he was listening...

My muscles tensed getting ready to bolt. I need to get out of here-

"Please don't run, I just want to talk," Jakob said calmly, I knew he wasn't lying.

"Okay talk." I snapped back. I don't feel safe here right now.

"Your mates, I want them gone by tomorrow, they are stirring up the pack, with two extra, unneeded Alphas walking around." He said sounding calm.

"I understand, but I will have to choose and then leave as we'll." I said and he smiled, but I knew that smile.

"See that's the problem." He aid grinning. I need to run now, I knew it wasn't smart to talk to him. "You will stay here with me as your mate, and do exactly what I tell you." He said with all his Alpha tone.

My wolf was trying to fight off the command I could feel her pushing. But she knew that he was still our Alpha and that we were in his pack she had no choice but to obey. But she was stilling fighting it along with me. I didn't want this, I didn't need this. But it was too much to handle. The pressure on my head and shoulders was too much to bare, and I gave in. I bowed my head to him.

He grinned in triumph.

"Come here mate." He said, and I had to choice but to obey. So I slowly walked to his side trying to fight the command that held me prisoner. But it was too strong, he was too strong.

"What the hell!!! You can't do that!!" Jen exclaimed. And I felt bad for her.

"We'll I can and I think I just did." Jakob said smiling. He wrapped an arm around my waist and slowly began to pull me back. I was screwed.

"Bye bye Jen." He said as he turned around me with him and began to walk back. Me by his side.

How could this happen?

This isn't fair!

I'm so screwed.

We arrived at the pack house and he walked me up to the bedroom of the Alpha, his, and began to strip, I stood there awkwardly.

"Get out of those clothes and put this on." He said handing me one of his shirts. I took it and obeyed.

"Let's go to bed." He said as he pulled me towards the bed, fear soar fed through my veins at the thought of what he would make me do, but all that passes as he laid down and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Goodnight." He said softly.

But it was anything but good.

The slow pain started in my chest, and I knew what it meant, I missed my mates. This was torture.

But I willed myself through it as I slipped into a dreamless sleep...

My last thought was: How am I going to escape, if that's even possible...


A/N: well twister!!!! Next chapter I will have one big the boys POVs.

So please tell me what you think!!!

I would really love to get to 5,000 reads by the 22nd of July, which is my birthday so please help me out!!!

So please!!





And keep on reading!

:) <3


The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now