The Beach House

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***Chapter 5***

Once we landed, we all boarded the limo that was awaiting us in the lot. I grabbed my luggage off the plane and heaved it over to the limo. I didn't make it very far, considering I was so weak. I had barely any muscles whatsoever. As I struggled over to the long car, someone came up behind me.

"Need some help there, love?" Harry asked me grabbing my suitcase. I eyed him suspiciously, but let him take it. He heaved it over and set both his and my luggage in the trunk of the limo.

"Remember our deal..." I warned him. He rolled his eyes and held the car door open for me. I climbed in and slid over next to Louis and Liam. Harry climbed in a couple seconds later closing the door behind him, and crawled over to sit beside Zayn and Niall across for me.

"Can't I just do something nice for a friend?" He asked playfully but I knew better. I rolled my eyes and averted my attention to my phone. This past week, I have been blowing up on twitter. The top trends always seemed to be surrounding Harry and me, due to Niall's picture. It was always something like #Darry or #Hew. Every time I saw one of those trends, I laughed. Our ship names are terrible.

We arrived at the beach house in a matter of minutes and we all flooded out into the extremely hot air. Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn dove for the trunk and heaved their luggage up the stairs as quick as they could. Well, someone must be excited. In fact, I was super excited, too. I pulled my suitcase out and once again Harry took it from my hands.

"You need to stop doing that..." I said attempting to take my suitcase back from him. I felt bad that he had to carry my stuff because it wasn't, well, it wasn't exactly light. As hard as I tried, he wouldn't let me carry it.

"What?" He asked smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes before replying. "Carrying my stuff. I can manage that, you know."

He shrugged and looked at me. "I don't mind," He said stubbornly. I obviously wasn't going to win this fight. I rolled my eyes and walked up the steps to the beach house front door even though I really felt like kicking him in the shins. I held the door for Harry since his hands were full and we both walked up stairs to the bedrooms. I would have to share with Danielle and Eleanor, but they probably weren't that bad. I walked into a vacant room and Harry set my luggage on the bed. He turned to leave but I stopped him.

"Thanks," I said simply.

"Anytime, love." He said smiling before he left my room. I closed my door and hurriedly changed into my swimsuit. I wore a zigzagged stripped blue bikini with a navy blue romper to cover up. I slipped on my ray bans and my flip flops and headed out for the beach, which was practically the backyard. Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn were already there. Zayn was sitting in the sand, covering his feet with the grains like a little kid. Louis and Niall were dunking each other and seeing who could hold their breath the longest. Liam was sitting in the water a few feet away from the shore typing rapidly on his phone. I swear, that boy is never without that thing.

I strip off my romper and slip of my flip flops and ray bans and run towards the waves. The water is refreshing when it hits my legs. I decide to go sit my Liam, considering I didn't feel like being dunked at the moment.

"Liam," I said taking a seat down beside him. "You know, iPhones aren't water proof right?"

He laughs before saying, "Yeah, I know. I was texting Danielle. She said she can't wait to meet you tomorrow."

"What time does her flight come in?" I asked him.

"Her and Eleanor's flight is lands at 10 tomorrow morning. Louis and I are going to get them." He told me and I smiled. He talks about her so often; she must be the perfect girl for Liam. He seems so happy when he is texting her, it makes me wonder what he is like with her in person.

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