Insidious Showers

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***Chapter 6***

We all sat at the kitchen table eating Harry's secret recipe of homemade pizza. There was no talking. Only eating the delectable dish.

When I had finished, I stood up and thanked Harry for the wonderful meal. "Thanks, Loser. It was delicious."

"Anytime, love." He responded. This time, it wasn't the usual way he would say it. It wasn't flirty or perverted at all. It was genuine and kind.

I smiled at them before excused I excused myself to go upstairs to my room. I climbed the stairs lazily and instantly spread myself out on the bed. I stared at the plain white ceiling that couldn't be more boring.

Geez, what a busy day. First, I packed a butt load of clothes for this next week. Then we flew into Florida and due to the jet lag, I am even more tired now, despite the fact that I slept on the plane. After flying, Louis and Niall decided it would be amusing to try to turn their selves and me into fish by dunking and splashing each other. Finally, thanks to my most favorite person ever, my skull is still sprinkled with sand. Which reminds me, I should probably take a shower.

I sluggishly lifted myself from the bed that had become suddenly more comfortable due to the fact that I had to take a shower. I gathered my shower stuff and a towel and my pajamas to change into after and headed to the washroom.

Something about me is that when I take a shower I always end up singing, if I notice it or not. My voice is ok, nothing special. Somehow, I almost always sing the same song, Lego House by Ed Sheeran. He is my absolutely favorite artist ever. His voice is the most angelic sound I've ever heard. He is the Ginger Jesus.

I close and lock the door behind me in the bathroom and start to strip off. I turn the shower on and start humming and saying the words in my head.

I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house,

If things go wrong we can knock it down.

My three words have two meanings,

There's one thing on my minds

It's all for you

I step under the cool water and instantly start scrubbing my scalp to get the sand out of my hair. At this point, I'm singing quietly to myself.

I'm outta touch

I'm outta love

I'll pick you up when you're getting down

And out of all these things I've done

I think I love you better now

I continue to hum this section of the song in my head as I wash the rest of myself. Thanks to Harry, I had sand in places sand shouldn't be. For the next couple of minutes, I just stood there thinking. Could this deal that I had promised Harry backfire on me? As of now, it's going great. He hasn't been flirt today at all, or at least as much as he usually does.

After about 5 minutes, I turn the dial off on the shower and step out, now humming the tune. Yeah, I know I take quick showers. I dry off and pull my pajamas on. I had succeeded in removing most of the sand from my hair. I brush my hair and dry it with my blow dryer. I brush my teeth and finally exit the bathroom still humming. Before going far, a complication arises.

"What do you want, Harry?" I asked irritated. He was standing in the doorway to my bedroom, blocking my path.

"Uh...Liam wants to know if you want to watch a movie with us." He asked, eyeing me up and down.

"I guess. What movie?" I reply.

"Erm...Insidious," He told me.

"Ok, I'll be down in a second." I said pushing past him and walking into my room. I set my shower stuff on my bed and dug in my suitcase for a pair of socks. I only found one single sock. What the crap? I know I packed some! Fine, my poor feet don't need to be warm or anything. Who am I kidding, yes they do. Oh well.

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