Drama Queen

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***Chapter 21***          

  “So, Horan,” I started, determined to kick his butt and get some sort of prize out of it. “Let’s make a deal.”

            “And what would that be?” He asked, smirking.

            “How about the loser has to do whatever that winner says for the rest of the day.” I propose.

            “Deal, be ready to get your butt kicked.” He told me, smirking slyly.

Niall and I played football for about three hours. The game only ended when we gave up because we couldn’t see the ball anymore. We came inside around 9:30.

            Our three hour football game consisted of several piggy back rides, lots of illegal tackling, many kicks to the shins, and endless laughs.

            And of course, I won.

            “Ok, as the queen of everything, I demand you to…” I paused to think. “I demand you to take us out to eat. I’m starving.” I told Niall while we walk inside.

            “Sure thing.” He said, swinging his car keys on his pointer finger and walking towards the door.

            “NO STOP.” I say, smacking his hand and making his keys skid across the kitchen floor. He looked at me in shock.

            “What is it?” He asked, worriedly.

            “Let me drive.” I say sprinting upstairs, grabbing my keys to my pickup truck and my wallet. I sprinted back down and we walked out the front door.

            “Is that seriously all?” Niall said being way overdramatic. “You practically broke every bone in my hand just so you could drive your filthy pickup truck?” He says, clutching his right hand in his other one and turning his head away from me. “It hurts, Drew.” He says, biting his bottom lip, I assume to keep from laughing and to keep his little act up. “Right here.” He said pointing to his right hand that was now over his heart.

            “Shuddup, drama queen.” I say, rolling my eyes. “Now get in the fucking truck.” I say with a light laugh.

            “Sassy,” He says, adding a cliché cat meowing noise. “I like it.”

            I stare at him in disbelief, then I scoff. “Loser.” I put the key in the ignition and pull out of the driveway.

            “So, you know, the tour starts next week.” He says, completely changing the subject and ignoring my last comment.

            “Oh yeah,” I say with really no emotion at all. “That should be fun for you guys.”

            “What? No! You’re coming with us!” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

            “No, I’m not.” I protest. “I’m not really into the whole ‘traveling the world, and living the dream’ kinda thing.”

            “Oh gee, that sucks. You don’t have a choice. You’re coming.”

            “Hmm, I’ll think about it.”

            “No, you have no choice, you’re coming.”

            “It sounds like you’re going to kidnap me.” I tell him seriously. His face adopts a devilish smirk.

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