Someone Like You

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***Chapter 24***

            Harry and I raced each other to Josh’s apartment building, which was like three blocks away. We stopped at the end of the hall on the 6th floor. The fake potted plant was sitting in its same spot in the corner and I dug around, right below the lowest branch for Josh’s house key. I’ve seen him put it there once or twice, but I never told him I knew it was there, otherwise he’d move it.

            Some how I knew where Josh’s key was and Harry didn’t. Weird how I’ve only known him for a couple days.

            We stalked through the eerily silent apartment, me swiftly leading Harry to the room where Josh kept his musical instruments and sound system.

            It was a big room with a white sofa in the corner. There was a drum set, a guitar (that Niall left here), a karaoke machine and two microphones. All of these things were plugged into amps. Well, except the sofa. I thought it was a pretty chill place.

            “Okay, Styles watch the pro.” I tell him as I settle in behind the drum set and grab the drum sticks that were resting on the snare drum. Just from memory, I start beating the drums to the tune of One Way or Another, only because that’s my favorite of their songs. I mean, if I was forced to pick one.

            “What’s that you’re playing?” Harry asks raising one eyebrow at me. I give him a look and start banging the drums to a different tune. This time it’s Heart Attack.

            Harry bites his lip and keeps his eye brow raised in concentration. I roll my eyes and start playing What Makes You Beautiful just to make him feel stupid for not knowing his own songs.

            A look of recognition plants itself on his face. Then he does a facepalm. Literally. “Oh my god.” He mutters to himself.

            “Yeah, you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.” I point out.

            “Oh, like you’re any better.” He says, rolling his eyes.

            “Yeah,” I admit sarcastically. “Oh wait, who can play football, plays drums and ride a skateboard?” I ask rhetorically. “Oh yeah, me.” I say giving him a straight face.

            “Says the one who put a whole bag of flour in the chocolate chip cookie mix.” He retaliates.

            “Ok, If you don’t want my expertise in drumming, I guess I can just leave.” I say getting up and walking out of the room dramatically.

            “No, Drew. Stay.” He says. “Please stay.”

            “No, Harry. I can’t bear to stay here. This just isn’t where my heart belongs.” I say with a fake cry. By now, it’s obvious I’m being wayyy over dramatic.

            “But what about us?” He complains. “What about everything we’ve been through?” He sings the last line.

            “But what about trust?” I sing back.

            “You know I never wanted to hurt you.” He sings, grabbing my hand.

            “But what about me?”

            “What am I supposed to do?”

            “I’ve got to leave but I’ll miss you.” We both look at each other before we burst out laughing. (AN: I know High School Musical is probably not in the UK but I couldn’t resist putting this little scene in there :D)

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