Chapter 1

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*Love the young Michael and Trevor from @artmetica drawing for this chapter lol*

"What do you have for me?" Lester asked, wheeling himself into the vast storage room.

"I got everything you asked for, and a Mtn Dew, since you've been so kind." I said, tossing the blue backpack on the table in front of him.

Trevor chuckled deviously, rubbing his hand over the stubble on his chin.

"I gotta say, Mikey, that backpack is way too weird for a forty year old to be carrying around."

I shot a glare back at him and shook my head, turning my attention back to Lester.

"Let's see, we have the blueprints, the photos of the building, and the indoor map from the staff office. Nice job, Michael. I must say, you have gotten wiser since I saw you last." Lester laughed.

"Faking your own death sometimes does that to people, I've heard." Trevor mocked.

"All right, enough of all that."

Lester got up out of his wheelchair and carefully pinned all the photos and maps to the cork board.

"Now, we have a solid plan of action here. We have to choose if we are going to drop in through the vents, or if we want to take the stupid route and go in through the front door."

"I didn't know the "stupid route" was even an option." I muttered, looking over the photos.

"It always is, if you want to get caught." Lester chuckled.

He pushed his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose.

"Let's not entertain the "stupid route" right now, okay? Is the vent our only option?" I asked.

"Well..." Lester started to say.

He hobbled over to the cork board and pointed to some places on the map of the store and blueprint of the street.

"There are only two main entrance points we can use, since the roof isn't really an option without disturbing the rest of the street. We can either attempt to disarm the system, or go in through the vents, though I'd suggest the vent option, personally."

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

"Enough with all this bullshit, we need to hire our crew, and fast. Let's just say we go through the fucking vent, huh? Then what?" Trevor started to raise his voice.

Lester hobbled back over to his wheelchair and sat down at the table again, pulling some files out of a black messenger bag.

"Mr. Phillips, I see your impulsive nature hasn't changed a bit. Here are our options. We need a getaway driver, a gun dealer, and a hacker to breach the security system. If I were to go cheap on anyone, it would be the gun dealer. They can't be traced, so."

I pushed Trevor out of the way and looked through the files on the table, carefully considering our options. Lester was right, we could save 7% of the cut by cheaping out on our gun dealer.

"Why can't we just go to Ammu-Nation?" I asked.

"Those are legally purchased firearms, Michael. They can easily be traced back to us and you know just as well as I do that you do not need that right now."

Lester rubbed his glasses off on his sweater.

"I say we go in through the front door, you know, cause a commotion!" Trevor shouted, flailing his arms about wildly.

"No, Trevor we are going through the vents. I don't need to draw any kind of attention to myself if I can avoid it."

He stepped closer to me until our faces were only inches apart.

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