Chapter 14

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The next few days came and went and the date of the heist was sneaking up on us quickly. We realized that Lester surprisingly left some holes in the plan that we needed to patch up. Thankfully, it was mostly simple things like buying clothing to disguise our identities. Trevor offered to drive the team down to the boardwalk one afternoon to pick up some masks at the costume stand.

It was unbearably hot that day, which wasn't exactly odd for late summer in California. I had to eventually stop wearing jeans and put on some shorts for a change. It was kind of nice considering I was perpetually cold any other day of the year.

I spoke to Michael minimally before we took off for the beach with Trevor and Franklin. He seemed to be in kind of a sad mood over the whole divorce thing. It surprised me, since he had wanted out of his marriage with Amanda for what seemed like a long time. Maybe he was just wishing for the good ol' days again before the FIB and all this bs.

I squeezed into the center seat at the front of Trevor's truck, squished between he and Michael. I inched closer to Michael instinctively and because Trevor reeked like cigarettes per usual. Franklin was sitting in the back.

"So are we doing ski masks, helmets, or what? What kind of shield are we looking for out there?" I asked.

Trevor clacked his teeth together a few times and muttered something to himself softly.

"Ahh....just whatever we can find when we get there, I guess. It's a damn inconvenience that Lester the Molester didn't figure this bullshit out before hand."

Michael interrupted.

"Hey, don't talk about him like that, man. He doesn't deserve that."

"Oh, I'm sorry! Might I add that he also had a part in lying to me about busting Brad outta the clink? Huh? That's what I fucking thought, Mikey." Trevor grumbled.

I put a hand on his thigh and whispered for him to shut his mouth. He actually complied.

We pulled up to the beach and got out of the truck, wandering around for a few minutes before finding the mask tent.

"So what're we thinking? Solid colors or something more dramatic?" Michael asked.

"I think we should do solid colors. It's less likely they'll be able to find us if they see us in a ski mask vs in a monkey costume." I chimed in.

Everyone agreed and we picked up some regular old black ski masks before deciding what to do next.

"We should scope out the area. I think we should go into the store and look around unless we want to go in blind." I added.

"You're just wasting time!" Trevor grumbled, throwing his hands up.

"Man, will you be quiet? We out here trying to not draw attention to ourselves and you're babbling like a fucking idiot!" Franklin shouted.

Michael glanced at me and scratched the back of his head.

"Kathryn is right. We should scope out the store and memorize the floor plan so we can get in and out when the special day comes. Don't listen to Trevor, sweetheart."

Trevor looked between the two of us back and forth for a minute.

"Woah, woah, am I detecting some young mistress fantasy I never had happening here? Huh, Mikey?"

Trevor turned his attention to me.

"Honey, you can do a lot better than this fat snake, alright? This fucker would eat his own kids."

Michael stepped up.

"Oh, right okay. Kathryn, the sexy mistress I always wanted and Trevor, my psychotic best friend oh I am livin' the dream, baby!"

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