Chapter 30

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**Three days later**

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Nice session there, Kaye. But you gotta remember to keep your feet shoulder width apart and don't lock your elbows."

"Thanks, Rick...whew! I'll try to remember that, sorry."

I tore the noise cancelling headphones off my head and sat them on the table next to the window.

"You need some water before the next round?"

I nodded, panting and wiping some sweat off my forehead. I was still pretty angry about what Trevor and Michael had done at the strip club over the weekend, and Christian hadn't called. Not like I expected him to, but I figured that if he actually had the balls to try to talk to me for the first time in years, he might try to pick up where we left off. But he didn't, which made me even more upset.

It wasn't like I was going to forgive the asshole and let him back into my life, but I wanted to do was to fully hear him out and scream at him, list off every single mistake he'd made. If he wasn't planning to flee LS after talking to me, he certainly was now that Trevor and Michael had fucked him up real good.

I had spent the afternoon at Ammu-Nation having the manager, Rick, train me on the range to help with...well just generally help with how bad my skills were. We had done a few moving target rounds and were taking a fifteen minute break. I bought a soda from the machine and sat down in the waiting area scrolling on my phone. The store was mostly empty except for a couple men in the other stalls on the range. I heard the door jingle but didn't think much of it until I heard.

"Hey Rick, how ya doin'?"

Fucking Michael.

I had been giving him the silent treatment for the last couple of days over what happened at the club. I knew Trevor would've acted out had he seen Christian again, but I thought Michael might have had some sense in the situation and diffused things, not gone along with them. He didn't. He fucked up Christian just as much as Trevor would've on his own. I didn't know the exact details of what they did to him, but I sure as shit didn't wanna know.

Michael walked through into the waiting area and looked oddly surprised to see me sitting on the bench.

"Hey sweetheart, what're you doing here?" He asked.

I didn't look up from my phone.

"I'm working on my technique with Rick, figured I'm gonna need to if I'm gonna do Trevor's next big job."

"Well hey, that's great! How about we run one, huh? Make it a little competition?"

I glared at him and picked up my bag off the bench.

"I was just leaving, actually."

I slithered past him and shouted a goodbye to Rick before shoving my way through the front doors and out to my car. Michael was following close after me and called my name a couple times but I ignored him and drove straight back to the house. I don't know why I didn't expect him to follow me but of course he did. It was his house, after all.

I beat him on the unofficial race home but he pulled into the driveway a few minutes after I did, catching up to me as I tried to storm into the house. He caught me in the living room.

"Hey, Hey! Why'd you walk away from me? Are you mad at me or something?"

I whipped around to look at him quickly.

"Yes, I am!"

"Why? Because of what happened at the club?"

"Yes, Michael that's exactly it. You went along and did whatever the hell Trevor wanted. I thought you might have some damn sense and try to diffuse the situation but nooo you had to go along and beat the poor guy up before he could even get a few words out."

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