Chapter 9

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**Sorry I haven't updated in a while, had to buy a new computer!**

I didn't get any sleep that night, and I didn't see Michael at all the next morning. I got out of bed and went to the Coffee Beanery for brunch. I woke up at noon...again.

    What could Michael possibly be thinking? I understood his worry about Steve, but he wasn't my dad, he wasn't supposed to be super overprotective. I could see whoever I wanted.

    What really consumed my mind, though, was what he could possibly be thinking about that kiss. I wasn't even entirely sure of what I thought about it either. The impulse came over me with little to no warning. The kiss wasn't long or thought out enough for me to really develop an opinion about it either. He tasted like cigarettes with the slight burn of whiskey, that was the only thing I could remember.

    My phone rang suddenly, and it was a call from an unknown number. I figured it was Trevor again so I answered it without a second thought.


    "Hey honey, why'd you run off last night?"

    I recognized the voice immediately, it was Steve. I was pleasantly surprised.

    "Oh, hey! How're you? I'm sorry I ran off...I guess I just had to be home I just...had to be, I guess."

    "Oh believe me, I understand. Michael De Santa is not an easy character to get along with. How do you guys know each other?"

    "Oh we uh...we work together. I guess there was some important meeting over at the supply chain and he didn't want me to miss it." I lied.

    Steve paused, almost as if he was thinking of something to say.

    "Supply chain, huh? When did Michael start that job? How does he like it?"

    "I uh...I guess you'd have to ask him." I stuttered.

    I thought for a second, visualizing back to the night before. I realized I never gave Steve my number. This realization immediately put me into defense mode, but I kept my composure.

    "Hey, Steve? It's really great to hear from you and everything, but how did you get my number? I don't remember giving it to you." I asked nicely.

    Steve immediately had a slick ass answer.

    "How about we talk about it over lunch?" He asked.

    I sighed and rubbed my free hand over my face.

    "Why can't you just tell me now?"

    Steve's voice suddenly turned dark, as if he was making sure no one was listening.

    "Listen, meet me at Lewis's Diner in thirty minutes. I'll tell you how I got your number, and you tell me how you think work is really going with Michael De Santa..."

    I sighed into the phone. Steve took that as his answer, and hung up.

    I didn't want to risk putting myself in another dangerous situation, but I didn't want to risk getting Michael hurt either, so I begrudgingly packed up my things, making sure my .43 was in my bag, and walked to sit in my car for a while.

    I got very wrapped up in my thoughts for a few minutes until I realized I should probably call a taxi to go to this meeting with Steve. I called the nearest downtown cab company and a car showed up in ten minutes to take me to the restaurant.

    I had been to Lewis's Diner before. I knew the area and the layout of the building if anything crazy were to go down. The cab dropped me off and I walked into the restaurant and saw Steve sitting in a booth in the corner. He had another man with him that looked to be about fifty or sixty years old. I reached into my bag and wrapped my hand around my .43, making sure to sneakily stuff it into my waistband before Steve or the other man saw me.

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