Chapter 16

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**I use AI mirror and photos of celebs to make all the character photos like this one, another of Kathryn Stanhope based on Ruby Rose**

**I use AI mirror and photos of celebs to make all the character photos like this one, another of Kathryn Stanhope based on Ruby Rose**

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Trevor pulled up outside the house a few hours after I called. It was mid afternoon. He was wearing all black. Black cargo pants, black t-shirt, black sunglasses. The only ounce of color in his outfit was an old denim vest that said "Trevor Philips Industries" on a patch that was crudely stitched to the back.

I grabbed my phone and stuffed it in my pocket, frantically running down the stairs. Michael was sitting in the living room watching and old movie on TV.

"Woah, sweetheart, where are you going so quickly?"

"I'm hanging out with Trevor, see ya later." I huffed.

I didn't stick around to have a conversation with him, I didn't want to.

I climbed into the passenger side of Trevor's truck and sighed, burying my face in my hands. He placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Hey, calm down. It'll all go away and be fine. Let's go back up to my old place for the day. Chill out..."

Trevor's old trailer...I hadn't been there in years. It was a bit of a drive from where we were in Los Santos but I nodded in agreement. Maybe the familiarity would bring me some kind of resolution.

Trevor pulled out of Michael's driveway and I lit a cigarette as he did so, nearly choking under the grip of nicotine coursing through my lungs.

We drove in silence for about fifteen minutes.

"So that dream came back, huh sweets?" Trevor finally said.

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"It did."

We stopped at a red light and he looked over at me. That rare look of kindness came over his face, the one that I saw the night of the storm. He wiggled out of the denim vest and draped it over my shoulders, pushing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"Alright well, we can get back to the trailer and have a beer, then we'll talk."

I nodded in agreement and stayed silent the rest of the ride.

We eventually pulled into the dilapidated garage of Trevor's old residence. The couch we attempted to throw out the window was still sitting in the corner. I looked around as the smell of desert air circled around me and pulled me into its dark and dusty embrace.

"Uh...are you gonna get out of the truck, or what?" Trevor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"S-sorry," I stuttered.

I followed him to the front door and he slowly pushed it open. A loud creak echoed through the space.

Truth be told, the space wasn't nearly as bad as I remember it being. Ron must've cleaned up in Trevor's absence. It still reeked of cigarettes but at least it didn't smell like rotting garbage anymore, and everything was in its place rather than strewn all over the floor.

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