Chapter 22

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*Yes, this is the chapter y'all have been waiting for, ya nasties. I may make changes later if I read it back and I hate it tomorrow. Smut warning 18+*

I walked emotionlessly into the house, dropping the gun and holster on the card table in the foyer. Michael followed behind me. The world seemed to blur around me. I cannot believe we just got away with that. 

"D-did we actually just do that, Michael?" I breathed. 

He saw the disbelief in my expression immediately. 

"We absolutely did. We fucking did it, Kathryn. Oh man..." 

I walked closer to him and nearly collapsed into his arms. He held me back tightly and caressed my back with his thumb. He still smelled like sweet cigar smoke, even when he wasn't wearing his normal clothes. With the feeling of relief in the atmosphere, and his smoky scent in the air, I breathed deeply. 

"So...what happens now?" I finally asked.

He pulled away and brushed my shoulders off before burying his hands in his pockets. 

"Well, Lester will wire our cuts when the jewels are sold. With your extra set of hands and good time, we got a pretty large take. With your extra cut I'd guess yours would be something in the uh...two point five million range?"

My face immediately turned pale and I nearly collapsed onto the floor. Two point five MILLION? I had a decent amount of money already but had never thought I'd be a millionaire. I was a twenty thousand-aire at best. 

"Hey, pick that jaw up off the floor, alright? Get cleaned up and then meet me in the kitchen, we can celebrate." 

I scrambled to get myself together and nodded, bounding up the stairs to the guest bathroom. I showered quickly and got dressed, tossing the bodysuit into the back of my closet where no one could see it. I threw on Michael's oversized sweatshirt that I had forgotten about and pulled my sleep shorts onto my legs. I towel dried my hair and brushed it out a little.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a little while, making sure I looked approachable enough, and finally walked back downstairs to the kitchen. Michael had gotten dressed back into his grey suit and set two glasses set out for us on the island. 

"And she returns, have a seat."

I chuckled to myself and pulled up a chair next to him.

"I didn't think I'd ever set foot in this house again...we did it!" I exclaimed.

Michael quickly poured some whiskey into the glasses and we clinked before I took the entire glass like a shot. It tasted like straight gasoline and burned my throat like crazy, but it was worth it. He laughed and gave me a half-assed high five.

"So how was it?" 

"For a borderline suicidal mission in one of the most prestigious stores in the country, it was pretty exhilarating."

Michael laughed and jumped up out of his chair, wrapping me up in his arms tightly, swaying me back and forth. I laughed along with him and rocked back on my heels a little. He was shorter than Trevor, but still significantly taller than me. He still smelled like cigar smoke and the smell of sweet bourbon mixed with it made my legs nearly give underneath me, but I had to keep my composure. 

Then, the thought hit me. The heist was over and done with. As soon as our cuts were wired, that meant I had to go back to my house and probably not be involved with the crew anymore. I loved my house, but the idea of leaving the chaos of the last few weeks did make me a little sad. Michael saw the anxiety spread across my face.

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