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~ Can't you light my love? ~


      We pull up to Charlie's place and Bella nearly rips the door off the car, climbing out.

"Daddy, is Mommy gonna be okay?" Nessie ask me and I just give her a wobbly smile.

"Yes my little vamp." My tone uncertain but hopeful as we climb out the car to follow.

"WHAT THE FUCK DAD?!" Bella yells and I quickly rush in.

     I see Charlie and Rylea standing in the kitchen. Charlie was behind her, holding her around the waist as she was leaned back into his chest. Bella looked absolutely furious which made me confused.

"Bella, watch your tone." Charlie states, his hold tightening around the women.

"Dad, you can't be serious. Are you two dating?" She ask, tone of disgust.

"Yes we are, Bella." He sighs and kiss Rylea temple. "Might even marry her." He tease and Rylea looks away shyly.

"Charlie, stop teasing." She swats his chest.

"Who said I was joking." He smiles, eyes full of adoration.

"Charlie~" She turns, wrap her arms around his neck.

    I lamely cover Renesmee eyes as she giggles. I smile at Charlie's happiness but it soon turn to horror as Bella practically rips her off Charlie.

"Bella!" Charlie and I yell as Rylea screams in pain.

    I quickly grab Bella as Charlie grabs Rylea, shielding her with his body. He was glaring at Bella, who's face drop at the look.

"Dad, I–"

"GET OUT! GET OUT NOW ISABELLA!" Charlie shouts, pissed.

    I've never heard him yell so I was shocked. I could also tell Bella was too. I take Bella hand, tugging her out the door. I look back on last time but glowing hazel eyes were staring me down, a very light purple glow on the outer part of the iris.
    I feel like I'm suddenly being suffocated, something crushing me and forcing me back and out. I stumble back, squeezing my chest as the door suddenly slams close. I hear a Caw above me and see a bunch of crows with a single Raven in the middle of it all.

"Let's go...now." We get in the car and I drive off.

    I look in the rear view mirror and see the Raven flying in one spot in the middle of the road. I could feel it's eyes watching us, despite it bot being in view anymore.


     Charlie pull up my shirt and I see the bruise already beginning to form when my side hit the corner of the counter from Bella's attack.

"Rylea, baby, are you okay?" He ask, gently cupping my waist, a thumb brushing against the bruise.

"Yeah, I thought she was gonna break my wrist." I look at the my purple and black bruise. "Luckily I still have some healing salve at the house."

     I'm suddenly picked up and squeal a little as he plops down on the couch and cuddle up to me. He kisses my wrist, look at me in worry. Unfortunately it's just belong my mate mark so I know he felt the pain in his mark as well.

"Let's cuddle and watch movies." He murmurs against my skin.

     I nod and lay my head in the crook of his neck, drifting off into a small nap.


      It's been nearly two weeks since Charlie and I begun our relationship. We have went on multiple dates and even a camping trip. During these past days, I've barely seen Bella but the times I have, she looked at me with pure hatred. Edward was a little cautious of me but Renesmee and Loki got along great.

"Loki! Where is my bushel of lavender! You're always taking it!" I huff, stomping downstairs.

"Liar! Forgetful!" He smacks me aside my head with his wing as I chase him with a broom.

      The doorbell rings and I look confused since Charlie had a key and sometimes I would find him relaxing on the couch out of nowhere. He's barely at home, only when Renesmee comes over and I spend time with him over there. There is suddenly pounding and the doorbell being rung excessively. I grit my teeth and Loki growl as I rip the door open.


      The twins flinch in surprise and I slam the door close. I turn around, picking up my broom when I realize who it was. I quickly open the door and smile widely at the two.

"Nicole! Dante!" I hug them happily. "You're late!"

"Yeah it turned out to be more then one rogue and actually three of them in the same area but different locations." Dante kisses my cheek and shuffle inside.

    I lea towards Nicole who swiftly kiss my cheek before roughly shoving my face back, pushing into the house.

"Wet Dogs and Animal Decay, is this really the place you wanna stay?" Nicole frowns.

"Hey now! My soulmate lives here also." I mumble and she scoffs

"Yea in that house across the street. Your magi energy is literally all over it." Nicole sighs

"Because of it, we almost went to the wrong house." Dante was digging in my kitchen.

"Well what do you want me to do? He's human so it's taking a while for my magic to properly fluctuate in his system." I shrug. "Anyways its a good thing you guys got here today, apparently there will be a meeting at sunset at the threaty line to discuss how to deal with me."

"What The Fuck do you mean?" Dante slams the fridge shut, glaring but not at me.

"Well accidentally stumbled upon a shifter collecting herbs for my healing salve and my soulmates daughter is a Cold One who also attacked me so I had to put up protections."

"That bitch attacked you?!" Nicole spats, swiftly standing up. "I'm going to whoop her ass. Now."

"Woah there my little volcano. Let me finish talking~"

"Dont talk to me like that." She deadpan and I laugh.

"Anyway Charlie only knows about Shifters and Witches, he doesn't know that his daughter and family is Cold Ones." I sigh

"Let's just bring him with us to the meeting! Yeah, let's totally crash the party!" Dante bobs his head happily.

"Yeah, what time should this 'Charlie' be getting off?" Nicole ask, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"In about an hour so you can put your stuff away in the guest bedroom. The bed has a drawer bed and blankets are in the drawers under that bed!" I smile and they rush upstairs, fighting over who gets the main bed.

     Loki was eating when I hear keys jingle and the door opens. My feet carry me to my man who quickly grab me. My lips crash onto his and rope him into a sloppy kiss. My hands in his hair as he held me up by my ass, second favorite place with my chest in first.

"Hello Rylea." Charlie chuckles breathlessly after breaking the kiss.

"Welcome Home, Charlie~" I pepper kisses on his face and jaw, giving little nips at his neck.

"Oh wow! I would like to remain pure!" Dante shouts, nearly making Charlie drop me.

    I groan as I realized these are the two biggest cockblockers even when I wasn't getting any. I roll my eyes to see Him and Nicole on the stairs with shit eating grins. I groan, irritated.

"Useless Cockblockers!" Loki screeches and they laugh.

"Anyways its time to go." Nicole taps her watch and I nod.

"Where are you going?" Charlie ask

"Where are WE going, Hun. Put this on, we have a meeting to crash." I clip the dark purple cloak around him, gently tugging on hood over his head.

Alright. The great reveal before some even greater plot to come! Might even doing some Smut, we'll see.

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