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~ I'm a tough cookie, baby hit the right spot ~


"Reneè! What Rylea and I do is none of your business!" I yell into phone before hanging it up.

     I groan softly, rubbing my face when I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in." I sigh and the door opens to my three deputies that stay at this small station with me. "What now guys?"

"Well the whole town heard about your ex wife being here since my Lorianna saw her at the supermarket." Collins, a slim red haired freckled guy, states.

"I also met the famous Rylea at the Café today picking up my morning coffee!" James, a thick bear like guy with dirty blonde hair and beard.

     Honestly he looks like a Lumberjack and possibly could be one in his past life but he like baked goods and coffee. And then we have our newest recrute: Anthony. He don't talk much but is firm with his standings.

"Shes black isn't she?" Anthony ask James who nod. "I knew it when he bought that lunch that one time."

"Oh most definitely! It smelled like heaven!" Collins groan and lick his lips.

"Do she know how to bake?" James ask and I know his mouth is possibly watering at the thought.

"Any black women that can throw down like that, can most definitely bake. No other explanation." Anthony shrugs and my phone rings, making me groan.

"Hello?" I answer it and the guys lean forward.

"Hey baby~" Rylea voice flows into my ear and my face heat up.

"Hello Love, how may I help you?" I ask

"Well let's see, since we have a invasive species around our place, I was wondering if I could treat you tonight?" She says and the mumble to someone else.

"Treat me? Like where too?" I ask

"Well you've been stressed these past days and since that She-Devil leaves tomorrow morning, I thought I could distress you tonight~" She purrs and I sit up straight as the guys eyes widen.

"Tonight? Where?" I blush, my ears burning.

"Got us a little place all to our own and Billy told me you like to fish so what will it be Sheriff?"

"Yes." Anthony answer for me and I look at him as the other guys cheer me on.

    Rylea giggles and I chuckle, embarrassed.

"Oh and one last question, rope or no rope?"

"What?! Wait–"

"Rope it is! Bye babyboy!" She hangs up as I stammer.

   I look at the phone a little shocked then the guys who is stifling their laughter. I playfully glare at them.

"Laugh and I give you Ticket Duty." They groan at this and quickly the office.

    Once the door closes, I grip my chest smiling widely. Her voice always sent tremors down my spine and into my cock that was now straining against my pants. She doesn't realize the affect she has on me. I groan softly as my whole face was flushed red.

"She's gonna be so mad if she found out." I murmur as I unlock my phone.

    I go to the photo app and is bombarded by pictures of my new obsession: Rylea. Some se took, some I took, some the Twins took and I find the picture she let me take with her consent because it's key. She was in her bath tub with bubbles barely covering her naked body, drinking champagne but the water was low enough for me to see the tease of her curves while hiding her privacy.

"Rylea." I breath as I unbuckle my pants.


    I hum as we clean the house, my hips swinging to the music. Nicole was cleaning the kitchen while Dante had the bathroom so I was in the living room.

"Big Sis! I'm done in the bathroom! Smells like bleach and lavender!" Dante walk down the stairs.

    His white tank with a spot of water around the stomach and his dreads held back by a black bandana. He was pulling off his black rubber gloves, taking small deep breathes.

"But don't use the shower! I have the cleaner sitting!" He points at me and I nod with a laugh. "I need to sit down, almost killed myself with all those cleaning products."

"Do you want me to mop the kitchen now or tonight?" Nicole ask

"Tonight so no one will be walking on it." I tell her as I dust the ceiling fan.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Dante ask as he grabs my waist and lift me a bit higher so I can reach the place I need too.

"Nicole! What time is it?" I ask as Dante sets me on the floor.

"Its three fifteen till four!" Nicole calls, popping her head up from beneath the counter.

"Oh yes! He gets off at four thirty! I need to pack my backpack, it won't take long to get to the River Inn. I think we need a good change of scenery." I sigh and look out the window.

    I see Bella and Reneè outside of Charlie door. They seemed to be arguing before Reneè points at my house and I glare them down. Bella glares and say something before they head inside.

"Loki!" I call and Nicole screams as he flies in through the kitchen and nearly hit her in the face.

"Scaredy cat! Pucker up buttercup!" He caws at her and swiftly dodge the pan she tried to hit him with. "You suck ass! Nanananana!"

"Ugh! You're so childish!" She snaps

"You're just so damn ugly." He lands on the dinning room table and raise his wing as if he's covering a laugh.

"I'll fucking cook you, Bird!"

"Cook yourself! Yourself a new face! Rylea!" Loki quickly hops off the table and fly to me as Nicole dives for him.

    He lands in my arms and coo, nuzzling into my chest.

"Loki, my pretty bird. Stop bullying the young ones." I kiss the top of his head and his feathers puff up as he makes a purring sound.

"Rylea, twelve bitch has been trying to break into his room! Has to transform into a rat to scare her off." He spat, disgusted and I tilt my head.

"Why have she been trying to get into his room?" I ask

"Talk to that leech! Leech Bitch! Surprise him naked! In his bed to want her! Threat to mate bond!" He scoffs and climb to my shoulder.

"Big Sis, just let me go hit her!" Nicole whines.

"I wanna hit that fucking mutt that keeps slinking around." Dante huffs and we all look at him.

"Jacob? Sam?" I ask

"No, another one but he has been watching you closely, Rylea. Be careful." Dante sighs before heading back upstairs. "I'm gonna go clean up the garden outside!"

"That's not the way to the gardens, braids for brains!" Loki flaps his wings and I giggle along with Nicole.

"Pretty bird~" I coo and scratch under his chin as I head to the stairs to get ready for our night getaway.

Wassup wassup wassup! My mind has been like a jumbled mess but we good now since I'm starting to bring it all together and get these stories updated!

Hopefully you are still enjoying them! ~🐦‍⬛💜🚔

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