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~ Enjoy a healthy does of Prolong Eye Contact ~


    I tap my foot as the Twins stand by my side. Sitting across from me was Carlisle and Esme Cullen along with Billy Black and Sam Uley.

"Okay so you, guys, are ensuring that I am not a...threat." I cross my legs.

"Yes, that is all Ma'am." Billy smiles at me.

"Oh Billy~you are such a sweetheart!" I coo, only feeling pure intentions from him.

"I have to respect you since you are with my best friend, Ma'am." He nods his hat.

"Oh look at how he calls me Ma'am, take note twins."

"Zero out of Ten."

     I pout and sigh before sitting back up. I look at the Cullens, who smile at me. I glance at Nicole, who looks at them in disgust.

"Catch you face, Skank!" Loki caws, landing on Nicole head.

    The guest look at Loki in disbelief and shock. I giggle and Loki hops down to my shoulder.

"Anyways I'm not a threat, I mean you guys are more of a threat then me. I just want to live the Solitary life. House in a small town by myself with probably a lover. Simple, quiet, and you know comfortable." I shrug

"We understand that, it's just we never met um Witches before so we are wary." Carlisle says

"I'll tell you a...story, yeah let's call it a story." I clap and sit up. "A very long time ago, there lived a women, a foolish women. She lived alone in the forest, so foolish of her, am I right?" I chuckle humorless. "One day she was out, collecting strawberries to make strawberry pie, her favorite when she stumbled upon a man bleeding on the side of the road and being such a foolish women, she helped him."

"Pretty foolish." Sam scoffs.

"Exactly! She helped this man, bringing him to her foolish house in her foolish forest, by her foolish self. But the man, oh no he wasn't foolish, he was conniving. So when the conniving man was nursed back to health by the foolish women, he did what any conniving man would do. He tricked the women. Made her believe he was a better man and he was. A better conniving man."

"What did he do?" Esme ask on the edge of her seat.

"While the foolish women was sleeping so soundly, the conniving man took the chance. He stole all her money and wealth because despite her being foolish, she was not poor. He took everything but oh no this wasn't enough of a lesson."

"Rylea, I don't think-"

"Shut up, Dante." I snap my finger and he goes silent.

"He raped the foolish women, beating her black and blue before setting the foolish house on fire." Esme gasp. "Through the flames, she screamed brokenly to anyone who would hear her and someone did." I feel my smile turning wicked. "It gave her a power, rebirthing her and that foolish women wasn't foolish anymore, she was mad. And as the saying goes: nothings worse then a women's scorn. This mad women found out the man was was the towns leader son and heard the town whispering about his wicked deeds but instead of blaming the man, they blamed the women, for being so foolish."

"Ms. Rylea. May I ask why are you telling us this?" Carlisle ask

"Because that foolish mad women is the reason we are here today."  This make them flinch in disbelief.

"That foolish women destroyed the village and killed everyone in it. She was cold, animalistic, and magical that night but a higher being couldn't let this women survive because she would surely destroy the world. So it killed her, took her soul and split it into three ways. Cold. Animalistic. Magical. But that women wasn't going to let anything off so she cursed her own soul."

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