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~One look at you and I wouldn't have it any other way~


    My thighs were fucking burning. Now beng a witch doesn't mean I'm not lazy. I work out but I don't do workouts workouts but Charlie has me taking a hike with him and oh my God my fucking thighs are shaking and not in the good way. I squeal as I trip over a thick branch.

"Time out, Charlie!" I whine and hear him chuckling at my struggle.

"Come on Baby, we are almost at the top." He helps me up as I whine but get up. "Hold my hand, yeah?"

"Okay, Charlie but why are you in a hurry to get to the top?"

"I heard there's an amazing view and saw a little pamphlet about it being Promise Peak and it sounded really cute." He shrugs with a smile.

    I feel my face growing warm as I nod with a new determination. It might have only taken us thirty minutes to get there but it felt like a few hours. Now you're probably thinking, Rylea why didn't you use some magic to get up there instead of struggling? Well my Man said he wanted to do it the regular way and no shortcuts!

"Rylea! Come look!" He pulls me closer to the small wooden fence and I smile widely at the beautiful scenery.

"Gorgeous." I could feel my magic humming alive.

"Yeah...gorgeous." He takes my hand and pull me closer to him.

"Are you hungry?" I ask and he nods, nuzzling his face into my hair. "Alright. I know you wanted to do this natural but I was not carrying this basket up here."

   I snap my fingers and a cute purple glow swirls before a picnic basket appears. He watches in fascination as I use my magic to set up a perfect picnic. We take our seats and he takes a deep inhale.

"So my amazing chef, what is on the menu?" He licks his lips and I smile wide.

"Something simple, croissant sandwiches, some fruit, some homemade chips and dip, some melted chocolate to dip the fruit in and of course some deserts like white chocolate chip cookies and mini cakes in a cup with my homemade strawberry lemonade." I point to the widespread and he nods, kissing my temple.

"Thank you My Queen." We sit pressed against each other and I pull out a bottle of champagne.

"Thank you My Knight." I pour two glasses of champagne.

"To us, forever and always." We gentle tink our glasses, enjoying one another company.


    I grunt as I stumble back from blocking Loki magic. Nicole grunts as she swipes a small cut on her cheek with a little bit of blood on her thumb. She mumbles a spell and a tree sudden burst from the ground, swinging at Loki.
   He easily dodges the swinging branches, doing aerial flips and dives. He suddenly begin to climb into the air and I run towards the tree.

"Nicole!" I shout as she keeps her hands on the ground to control the tree.

    She use a branch to grab me and I grunt at the speed it scoops me up before hurling me into the air. I grab my crystal pendent with my teeth and bite down, crushing it. The pieces flash and my guns form.

"Fucking flying rodent." I sneer and let bullets fly.

    He screeches in pain as some bullets hit his wings before diving towards me.

"Dante!" Nicole screams as the tree reaches up and grabs me but Loki flaps his wings and fire blast down.

    I grunt as I hit some branches until my body meets the ground. Nicole rushes towards me, loosing control on the tree which Loki easily gains as he lands on a branch before it moves like stairs for him to walk down till he's right in front of us.

"This fuckin bird! We're just going to the store to get more milk!" She yells at Loki, who stood there with his chest puffed ad eyes glaring.

     He was the size of a fucking vulture, maybe even bigger. How he's not breaking that branch is a surprise to me.

"My jewel told me to watch you two trouble mirrors so I'm gonna watch you HERE." He points his wing at the house. "Keep defying me and you'll reap the consequences."

"I'm not fucking scared of you, Loki. Dante maybe but not me." Nicole nods at me and I gap at her.

"Listen here you little shifty emotions. This whole situation is a fucking seven out of ten. I ain't fully scared but I'm a bit! Nicole, he's a familiar, not just some regular bird." I jab my finger in Loki direction.

"I know that." Nicole hiss with a pout.

"Do you? Because it seems like you don't remember he's not a true living creature!"

"Dante, I'm not gonna eat no cereal without any milk." Nicole glares but then her eyes light up. "Wait let's steal some from Charlie's place."

    We look at Loki who stare at us before a wicked grin stretches on his beak.

"Let's go prank that psycho broad." He crackles and Nicole crackles along with him.

    How the hell are they in charge?

"Two out of ten, this some bullshit." I groan as I start to head into the house.

   Once inside, I close the door with a grunt and lift my shirt to see a bruise on my side from the fall. Huffing and stomping up the stairs, I make it to Rylea room. I lay my hand on the knob and it vibrates before opening. On the small table is a small jar with a white label. I grab it and leave out the room, the door closing by itself behind me.

"Good thing I'm too fucking hurt to be curious or that room would have fucked me up even more." I mumble as I head into the bathroom.

    As I am starting the shower, I hear a loud scream echoing from not to far. I shrug and close the window, continuing what I need to do.

Low key I kind of forgot about the book since I've been working lately. My boss is so fucking sweet, if she was into girls I would wife her up because she's total wife material. I hate her no good, always got a huge booger in his crooked nose, broken rabbit teeth asshole of a boyfriend.🤬

He treats her so wrong like she's at work and he want her to just walk out and bring him something to eat at home because despite them have lots of food, he too lazy to male something and want it ordered but don't want it delivered. He wants her to had it to him!😡

Anyway also gonna pitch the new book here and yall tell me what you guys think about it pwease 🥺🥺

Drumroll 🥁🥁
Ever wondered where the supernatural went to party? Welcome to the Upside Below! Anyone is allowed to enter as long as they have invite.

An invite allows them a lifetime but not everyone gets an invite so what happens when the Vamps of Forks and Wolves of LA Push receive one.

Who invited them and why have they never heard of this place? But none the less!


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