Between Love and Wrestling - Randy Orton

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Randy watched from a distance as YN and Seth Rollins shared a moment backstage. His jaw clenched and his fists tightened involuntarily. He couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration as he saw his sister, YN, smiling at the man he had clashed with countless times in the ring – Seth Rollins.

"Why'd you have to go for him?" Randy muttered under his breath, his voice laced with a mix of annoyance and concern. He leaned against a nearby equipment crate, his eyes never leaving the pair as they laughed and talked.

YN and Randy had always been close. Growing up together in the world of professional wrestling had forged an unbreakable bond between them. They had faced challenges, triumphs, and defeats side by side. But this situation was different. Randy had seen the way Seth operated, the manipulations and betrayals that had left scars on their shared history. He couldn't fathom why YN would be drawn to someone like him.

As he continued to watch them, Randy's mind drifted back to their childhood. The memories of their parents teaching them the ropes of wrestling, the late-night conversations about their dreams, the times they had each other's backs in the heat of battle – it was all so vivid in his mind. He had always been protective of YN, and that instinct was now kicking into overdrive.

Randy clenched his fists, a mixture of anger and worry churning within him. He had seen firsthand the destruction that could be wrought by volatile relationships, and he didn't want his sister to experience that pain. But he also knew he couldn't control her heart.

As YN and Seth finally parted ways, Randy straightened up, his gaze following YN's figure as she walked towards him. She flashed him a warm smile, her eyes lighting up as she approached.

"Hey, Randy," YN greeted, her voice filled with genuine affection.

"Hey," Randy responded, trying to keep his tone casual despite the storm of emotions swirling within him.

YN's brow furrowed slightly as she studied Randy's expression. "Is something bothering you?"

Randy hesitated for a moment before deciding to speak his mind. "YN, I've seen the things Seth has done. The betrayals, the manipulation. I just... I don't want to see you get hurt."

YN's smile faded, replaced by a more serious look. She reached out and placed a hand on Randy's arm, her touch comforting. "I appreciate your concern, Randy. But people can change. Seth has been through a lot, just like we all have. I see something in him that maybe others don't."

Randy sighed, his frustration mingling with resignation. He couldn't deny the validity of YN's words. After all, he himself had sought redemption and a chance to change. But still, the worry persisted.

"Just promise me you'll be careful," Randy said, his voice softening. "I don't want to see you get hurt like I've seen others get hurt."

YN nodded, her eyes sincere. "I promise, Randy. And I know you'll always have my back."

Randy managed a small smile, his heartache momentarily eased by his sister's understanding. As they stood there, the echoes of their shared past and the uncertainty of the future wrapped around them. Despite his reservations, Randy knew that he couldn't stand in the way of YN's choices. All he could do was be there for her, just as she had always been there for him.

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