By My Side - Matt Riddle

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I was pumped up and ready for my match on Monday Night Raw. The crowd was roaring, and the adrenaline was coursing through my veins. As I stepped into the ring, I could feel the energy of the fans fueling my every move. Little did I know that this night would take an unexpected turn.

The match started off great. I was giving it my all, delivering powerful moves and thrilling the crowd. But then, in a split second, everything changed. Liv Morgan executed a move that went horribly wrong, and I flew to the mat, arms out in front of me. When I landed, all I felt was excruciating pain going up my left arm.

I clutched my injured arm, feeling the same pain go up it as soon as I touched it. The referee quickly called for medical assistance, and the paramedics rushed to the ring. I could hear the gasps and worried murmurs from the audience as they realized the severity of my injury. The sound of Liv apologizing over and over in my ear let me know that it was so bad that she broke character because she was more concerned about me than she was about keeping face.

As I lay there, trying to fight back tears, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. It was my brother, Matt. He had been watching the match backstage and had rushed out to the ring as soon as he saw what happened.

"YN! Oh my god. Hang in there, sis," Matt said, his voice filled with concern. "I'm right here, you're gonna be okay."

I managed to look up at him, my eyes filled with pain. "Matty, it hurts so bad," I whimpered.

"I know, YNN. But I'm here now, and we're going to get you fixed up, okay?" he reassured me, gently taking my hand in his.

The paramedics carefully placed me on a stretcher and wheeled me out of the arena. Matt walked alongside me, never letting go of my hand. The crowd's cheers turned into worried whispers as they watched us leave.

The ambulance ride felt like an eternity. The pain in my arm was unbearable, but Matt's presence gave me some comfort. He held the hand of my uninjured arm tightly, offering silent support as we raced towards the hospital. I tried to focus on anything and everything that wasn't the pain pulsing through my left arm.

Once we arrived at the hospital, the medical staff quickly assessed my injury. It turned out that I had broken my arm in multiple places and would need surgery to fix it. The news hit me hard, and I couldn't help but feel scared. I hated the thought of any type of surgery. But I knew the probabilities when going into this profession.

As they prepared me for surgery a few hours later, Matt stayed by my side, his reassuring presence giving me strength. "You're going to be okay, YNN. I promise," he said, his voice filled with determination.

I nodded weakly, tears streaming down my face. "I'm scared, Matty. What if something goes wrong?"

He squeezed my hand gently. "Nothing will go wrong. But even if it does you know, I'll always be here to help you get through anything. You're strong, YN, and you'll come out of this stronger than ever."

With those words, they wheeled me into the operating room, and the anesthesia took over. The last thing I saw was Matt's worried face, his eyes filled with love and support.

When I woke up, groggy from the anesthesia, Matt was there, sitting by my side. His presence brought me comfort, and I managed to give him a weak smile. "Well, hey there big bro."

"Hey there yourself, princess," he said softly, his voice filled with relief. "I told you that you would make it through okay. Doc said everything went perfectly and you'll be action ready in no time."

I nodded, feeling a mix of pain, from the anesthetic wearing off, and gratitude. "Thank you, Matt. i don't think I would have been able to make it through this whole ordeal if you weren't here with me."

He smiled back at me, his eyes filled with love. "I meant what I said about being here for you no matter what. As your big brother, it's my job to look out for you."

And in that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I had my brother by my side. Together, we would face anything that came our way.

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