In The Stands - Logan Paul

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Something hadn't felt right when I walked into the arena. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary at first glance walking in. Everybody was rushing around the place acting totally normal. Set crews were here, there and everywhere making sure everything was set for tonight's show. Other superstars were just getting to the arena as well and getting settled. Everything seemed to be just as it always was.

That was until Miz came running up to me as I was just about to go into my locker room. "Hey, Logan." he greeted as he tried to catch his breath. "Have you seen or heard from YN?"

YN YLN was my girlfriend of about a year and just so happened to be Mike's little cousin. The girl was also a WWE Superstar as well. My girl's got talent that went beyond any level you could have imagined, and I'll brag on that every chance I get.

I shook my head. "Nah, man, not today." I said as I opened the door. "She did say something last night about coming up here early to get some solo bumps in but other than that I haven't really heard from her. Have you checked her locker room? She might have crashed with how early she said she wanted to get here."

It was normal for YNN to wake up early in the morning to head to the area for solo bumps. She says it's nice and peaceful when no one is here but her. Gave her time to think. But on more than one occasion I have found her dead asleep on a bench in her locker room because she went too far on little body fuel. The first time I found her like that, her breathing had evened out so much that it looked like she wasn't breathing at all, and I freaked out. It wasn't my best moment, but I care about her wellbeing.

"I did." Mike stated and placed his hands on his sides. "She's not in there. I've checked to see if maybe she was talking to Vince. He hadn't seen her. The girl isn't in the ring doing bumps or passed out. The arena's manager said YNN was here this morning, and he hasn't seen her leave. At this point I've ran out of places to look."

He followed me into my locker room as I went to set my bags down. "I'll try her phone maybe she's gone to get a bite to eat."

Mike shook his head. "Don't bother." he said and sat down on the closest bench. "YNN left that in the pocket of her bag. I saw it when I went in there looking for her."

I nodded. "I'll see if I can find her. Stay here in case she comes looking for me and call me if she does." With a nod from Miz I headed out of the locker room.

As I searched the labyrinthine that was the backstage area for my missing girlfriend, I asked every other person I saw if they had seen any sign of her. If it wasn't a disheartening shrug, it was a sympathy filled look. No one had seen her it seemed like and if they had, they weren't about to say anything. It wasn't until I stepped out into the stadium and ran into Stephanie, who was talking to the set manager, that I had some sort of a clue.

"Hey Steph, you wouldn't happen to have seen YN anywhere around, have you?" I asked as I walked up to the Co-CEO of the company. The worry was undoubtedly painted on my face by now.

Stephanie looked up at me from the pieces of paper she had in her hand. "Ummm, yeah, actually. Not too long ago."

"Where?" I questioned but instead of answering she just motioned up to the top of the bleachers with her head. I looked up in the direction she had motioned to and saw a small familiar figure off in the distance on the very last row of seats. "Ah, thank you."

After hopping over the placed barricade, I slowly made my way up the stairs. As I got closer, I could see the light reflecting from tears that had rolled down her face. YNN had her knees pulled up to her chest and she was hugging them tightly to herself. I didn't know what was making her feel this way, but I was determined to fix whatever it was.

"Hey, Babygirl." I said softly as I took the closest seat next to her. "Why are you up here all alone?" Pulling her to me, I kissed the top of her head gently. "What's wrong?"

"It's... it's been a long week." YN said as she looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "And with WrestleMania this weekend, I'm feeling the pressure. So much so that when I came up here to take a break earlier, I... I couldn't get myself to get back up and down to the ring." she sniffled as she tried to compose herself. "I train the way I do not to prove anything to anyone, or to myself because I know what I can do and what I'm capable of, but because I'm feeling of being the biggest letdown if I'm not at the top of my game."

I laid my head gently on top of hers and said, "Baby, the pressure isn't the thing you need to worry about, and neither is being a letdown. You, my love, are the only one I know that can push back the pressure like it wasn't even there in the first place. There's nothing you can't do when you put your mind to it. You've got WrestleMania in the bag, sweetheart, there's no doubt in my mind about that. I've seen you push yourself to the brink of exhaustion and even over the line just to be ready for a normal day at work. Which I do have to admit, isn't necessarily good for you either, may I add."

YNN let out a soft giggle. "I do have a bad habit of doing that, don't I?"

"Uhhh, you think?" I asked with a chuckle of my own. "You know how to worry me and Mike, is all I'm saying. Oh, and next time it happens, I'm totally getting Hunter on your cute butt." I booped her nose slightly which brought a smile to her face.

My YHC haired girl leaned into my hold, letting loose the grip she had around her knees so she could wrap them around me. "How do you always know what to say to make it all feel okay again?"

"Oh, I don't. But I've been with you long enough to know that when you're downing yourself you need to know what the people you care for most are thinking and so I just speak my thoughts the way I think them and hope it works." I admit as I close her into my hold.

"Mike's worried isn't he." she questions after a second or two of silence.

I nodded slightly. "Out of his ever-loving mind."

YN sighed and looked up at me with her YEC eyes twinkling with a new kind of light. "Guess we should go let him know I haven't gone insane yet." With that she and I stood up and walked down the stairs, over the barricade, and back to my locker room.

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