Family Heirlooms - Cody Rhodes

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The arena buzzed with excitement as the crowd roared in anticipation of another thrilling WWE event. Among the sea of fans, I stood backstage, nervously adjusting my gear. My heart raced not just because of the match ahead, but also due to the unexpected reunion I was about to experience.

"Calm down, YN," I whispered to myself, taking deep breaths.

"Cody Rhodes, YN Rhodes, you're up next!" a crew member called out.

I glanced at myself in the mirror one last time before making my way towards the curtain. As I stepped through, the crowd's cheers grew even louder. I felt a surge of energy as the familiar theme music of my brother Cody echoed through the arena. I followed him, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

The match was intense, the crowd on their feet with every move we made. Working alongside Cody was an incredible experience; the connection we had as siblings seemed to translate seamlessly into our teamwork.

As the match reached its climax, a rival duo cornered Cody in the ring. Just as they prepared to launch their finishing move, I intervened, sending them sprawling with a perfectly timed dropkick. Cody and I shared a quick nod before turning the tables on our opponents.

After the match, we walked backstage, sweat-soaked and breathing heavily. Cody flashed me a grin, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"YN, that dropkick was amazing! You've really stepped up your game," Cody praised, clapping me on the back.

"Thanks, Cody. I've been practicing," I replied, trying to hide the genuine pride I felt from his compliment.

Later that evening, as the stars of WWE mingled backstage, I found myself standing near the catering area, lost in my own thoughts. A voice brought me back to reality.

"Hey there, YN."

I turned around to see Seth Rollins, a fellow superstar and old friend, approaching me.

"Hey, Seth. Long time no see," I greeted him with a smile.

"Yeah, it's been a while. I've been watching your matches lately, you're really shining out there."

"Thanks, that means a lot."

Seth's gaze drifted towards the pendant I wore around my neck – a delicate silver chain with a small, ornate key hanging from it.

"Who gave you this?" Seth asked, pointing to the pendant.

I instinctively touched the pendant, a wave of emotion washing over me. "It's a family heirloom. My mom gave it to me before she... passed away."

Seth's expression softened, and he nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry, YN. She must have been an incredible woman."

"Yeah, she was."

As the weeks passed, Cody and I continued to dominate in the ring. Our dynamic duo was becoming a fan favorite, and we reveled in the camaraderie we shared.

One day, as we were preparing for an upcoming tag team match, I found Cody studying a photograph backstage. It was a picture of our mother holding us as children, with the same key pendant hanging around her neck.

"Where did you find that?" I asked, surprised.

Cody looked up, a bittersweet smile on his face. "I've had it all along. After Mom passed, Dad gave it to me, saying it was meant for the for one of us to have."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I extended my hand, touching the pendant around my neck. "Cody... thank you."

He placed the photograph on the table and pulled me into a hug. "We might not have her physically with us, but she's still here, YN. And we have each other."

As the years rolled on, Cody and I continued to dominate the WWE universe, our bond stronger than ever. The pendant and the key it symbolized became a reminder of our unbreakable connection and the legacy our mother had left behind.

Through victories and challenges, our journey in WWE was a testament to the enduring power of family. And as we stood side by side, facing the arena's roaring crowd, I knew that our story, both in and out of the ring, was just beginning.

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